Video of how I record/mix/master?


Hail Santa
Mar 31, 2009
Hey d00ds..I was just thinking, I might make a video of how I go about recording.

Im not good, so I dont want people to look at this as a how-to...but more of a heres how I do things, if you like something I do (maybe for a n00b) go ahead and use my settings or whatever or you pro guys, be like whoa wtf are you doing, you got it all wrong etc and help me out.

This video would contain like a whole sitdown session, prob be unorganized a good bit, and doesnt focus on one thing. **and since I am horrrrrid at guitar, I will be doing a lot of note-by-note which will prob sound fake and I apologize in advance...:ill:)

I have a new "HD" cam that ill prob use, and everytime I change something try and get a close up of the screen, but ill also put the cam down while im recording guitars, ghetto bass, and drums. (i dont do vocals)

Heres the 'rundown':

1. Open up new project in Reaper.

2.Insert Guitar template.
--Go over my FX chain, and how I got there, and show what plugs im using and settings.

3.Insert Bass template.
--(same as above)

4.Insert Drum template.

5.Then I will start recording guitars to a click.

6.Show my quantize/note-by-note skills (lack thereof ha)

7.Record bass same method.

8.Drums will be a straight shot. I dont know how to quantize yet so...ehh.

9. After everythings recorded Ill start mixing, and talking my way though what im thinking.

10. Then I guess that is all.

Itd prob be a lengthy video I guess, I dont know how to edit video and cut crap out, and all that. *EDIT* ((I guess I could break each of those processes into different videos...Drum Recording, Guitar FX Chain, Mixing the whole thing you dont have to sit through a 30+ min video, just pick and choose what you want when you have time))

Idk, just a thought for when Im bored, I always wish people here would post more videos of yall recording and mixing stuff and what goes through yalls head. I could care less if you arent as good as the next guy on the forum, videos let you see everything its a great way to learn.

Well lemme know if anyone gives a shit haha, and any suggestion if I should use my HD cam and get vid of me playing, or use inscreen recording for screenshot type stuff.

This sounds awesome!

I wish more people would do this..

In fact, I may do this myself. :)

I think it'd be an awesome learning experience for other people out there, as well as us. I've read some of your posts, and it seems like we're on the same level when it comes to recording. (Example: You said your mixes sound like shit until the master bus! ME TOO! :D)

Haha. So maybe we could get some advice from some of the pros out there.

Bottom line.. Do it! +1000000:kickass::kickass::kickass:
Thanks for the feedback man, yea people realllllly should take 30 mins outta their day and just do a little video when they have time! We can always learn from other people whether its "man, that guy shouldnt be doing that, now I know not to do that" or "Wow, I never thought of doing it that way, but it sounds pretty cool!"

Yea about that master bus....shiitttt thats my weakness right now, I use it as a crutch way to much. (rhyme lol)
This is a great idea and could benefit everyone involved. However, I think you should really use one of the on-screen captures instead of a camera... It would be a lot easier for us to see what you are doing... It would probably be easier for you as well, unless your cpu can't handle running both reaper and a video program simultaneously.
I was starting to think thatd be a better idea afterall as well, the onscreen stuff will capture the audio as well right? and Id just need to set up a mic to talk into also?

Maybe ill just use the camera for the guitar and drum takes, and put the audio from reaper to it so it sounds bettaa

Thanks for the suggestion man!
I don't know if you guys have heard of it or not, but there's a free, very CPU friendly on-screen capture program by Cam Studio.

Give it a try. From experience, it hardly hogs any computer resources!
In fact, I think I'm going to post a video of my mixing process for my band's latest song tonight.

I don't have anything else to do.

I can't include the tracking, because that's already been done.

But anyways..

I can smell the start of.. "Rate my technique/abilities" thread. :D
Thanks Ganks, Ill check that out man!

@cloy - You couldnt have said it any doing this to give it more of a "personal vibe" and I really think that it will help the learning process! (although I would hate this forum to be spammed with a bunch of unhelpful expertvillage tutorials LOL)
Well.. I want to take back what I said about Windows Media Encoder.

It's having problems with my computer, BUT..

After some research, I found this program:

It works amazing, and I'm about to use it!
@rofl :) I know haha and man you should deffinitly do a little video or something

@ganks, lemme know if that one works better, you may have to show me how to use it lol

Im probably going to start my little video on thursday afternoon!
Sounds interesting, looking forward to it!

2.Insert Guitar template.
--Go over my FX chain, and how I got there, and show what plugs im using and settings.

People are generally pretty shitty at explaining that part (usually isn't much more than a showoff and "I use this br00tal thing because everyone does because it's the best amirite" *brofist while throwing the horns*) so please take the time to really explain why you put each element in there; what it can do and what you made it do for you. So, pretty much what you said you would, but that's what everyone says so I apologize for having become skeptical or whatever. Just make it awesome!
