Does anyone listen to these bands/everyone should listen to these bands.

Perdition's Light

dinosaur jr.
Apr 5, 2004
I couldn't decide which was the more appropriate thread title. Oh, and in case you're wondering, NONE of the bands are emo. So don't even mention it.

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
The Mountain Goats
Animal Collective
Brian Eno
Broken Social Scene
Gang of Four
Joy Division
Xiu Xiu
Boards of Canada
Yo La Tengo
Neutral Milk Hotel
Silver Jews
Sigur Ros
Sonic Youth
St. Germain
Talking Heads
Iggy & The Stooges
Velvet Underground
Holy shit! I love Nick Cave, Broken Social Scene, Interpol, Joy Division, Xiu Xiu, Mogwai, Neutral Milk Hotel, Sigur Ros, Sonic Youth, and Velvet Underground

but Broken Social Scene definitely tops that list

You've got good taste.
Yeah, some bands on that list are truly good.
I would add some my fav. from non-metal world
Nine Inch Nails
A Perfect Circle
Porcupine Tree
Rage Aganist The Machine
Perdition's Light said:
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Joy Division
Boards of Canada
Sigur Ros

The new Boards of Canada album is incredible.
How anyone could not like Velvet Underground or Sonic Youth is beyond me.

edit: I agree about the new BoC album.
Yes , you have good tase, and I do consent that more space should be given to these bands , but this still is is a metal forum, even though coincidentallty at this moment, I am listening to Joy Division (the best depression band ever, great tip)
good stuff. Going with the pop/punk thing, I reccommend the dismemberment plan, and sort of inspired by that is also radiohead, and the new NIN cd leans heavily in that direction as well. Can is also really sweet. From those bands, check out change, hail to the theif, with teeth, and tago mago. Roxy music also owns, check out the reunion tour CD. They used to have Eno in their band. My life in the bush of ghosts by eno and byrne is very cool. All of this type of music is what I think of as alternative rock, even though that originally meant grunge. A whole world of that stuff out there. Cheers to the tastes of the original poster.
Aeggy said:
Yes , you have good tase, and I do consent that more space should be given to these bands , but this still is is a metal forum, even though coincidentallty at this moment, I am listening to Joy Division (the best depression band ever, great tip)

Well, actually, it's the NON-METAL forum of this site...


Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - I like Nick Cave, but only have murder Ballads

The Mountain Goats - I have one of their CDs; my wife and I used to like "Blazing Red Ball of Fire"

Air - never heard these guys

Animal Collective - same with them

Brian Eno love Brian Eno. Props to whoever recommended My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts.

Broken Social Scene - don't know 'em

Gang of Four - got a couple albums by these cats; like 'em; don't listen to 'em tons

Interpol - like these guys; got Antics, but haven't listened to it much yet

Joy Division - Only have Unknown Pleasures, and it hasn't really grabbed me; wanna hear Closer

Ween - Only have 12 Golden Country Classics or whatever, which is great, but I want their other stuff, too

Xiu Xiu - heard of 'em

Bjork - got Post; never listen to it

Boards of Canada - heard of 'em

Yo La Tengo - only have one, but I wish I had more!

Ladytron - don't know 'em

Mogwai - these guys I want to hear

Neutral Milk Hotel - only have S/T, but love it!

Pavement - love Pavement

Silver Jews - never heard much

Sigur Ros - I like (), the one I have

Slint - really want to hear these guys

Sonic Youth - love Sonic Youth

Spiritualized - listened to Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space a couple nights ago; still need to hear it more

St. Germain - rings a bell?

Talking Heads - mm, love the Talking Heads

Iggy & The Stooges - love love the Stooges

Velvet Underground - love love the VU

edited to add - I wish all those dipshits who think if you listen to metal, you should ONLY listen to metal would fuck off, or grow up or something.
Dee Snarl said:
I wish all those dipshits who think if you listen to metal, you should ONLY listen to metal would fuck off, or grow up or something.
Wouldn't that be nice ? I've noticed a lot of open-minded metal fans like ourselves around here - but also a lot of those elitist Metal-Is-The-Only-Genre-That-Matters assholes ... they need to be slapped , methinks :cool:

Diversity and experimentation are what keeps music alive . If everyone stuck to just one type of music all the time everything would end up sounding the same . You need a variety of influences and styles to be truly inspired to create great music , I think . But unfortunately there will always be those assholes there to shit all over your tastes because they have puny minds and nothing better to do . I try to ignore them - maybe if they don't get a reaction they'll finally shut the fuck up :D
To me, it really is a lot like food: I definitely love Vietnamese food, but I still want to eat plenty of other kinds....
Your list fucking rocks man. Joy Division is my favourite there. Ian Curtis' lyrics are fucking awesome. That reminds me, I have a huge Joy Division poster in my room.
Dee Snarl said:
To me, it really is a lot like food: I definitely love Vietnamese food, but I still want to eat plenty of other kinds....

:tickled: Great analogy !

^ I love your avatar :) Welcome to UM !