Does anyone think There might be a Moontower 2


New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2006
Or something close to that or even another Crimson type cd without Edge of Sanity just a Dan Swano solo in that vein
Or something close to that or even another Crimson type cd without Edge of Sanity just a Dan Swano solo in that vein

I think there will be. Dan said that whilst working on the recent Coldworker album he got inspired by heavy music again so...we'll see.
7 years ago I would've said there was no doubt that there would be a 2nd Dan Swano CD, now its a race to see if either Dan or Spiral Architect will ever release another CD under that banner. I'd be less surprised to see a Crimson III type of release because it would probably sell better then anything and Dan has alot of connections with death metal musicians.
spiral architect are åsome...I love Asgeir's drumming.
I really hope there will be another montoweresque/crimsonesque album sometime in the future...but first let's get to hear Second Sky
Had a dream the other night that after watching NG at Bollnas, Dan said something along the lines ofm "I'm going to do another Edge of Sanity album and call it Crimson 5!"

Oh yeah. And they were going to allow me to play on the album and help write. I must say the songs that I heard in my dream were pretty damn good haha.

Sadly I woke up.
wierdos!!! :)
The will definately be another album of mine where I play and sing in the style of Moontower. More elements will be added and it will not be so one- dimensional as Moontower in the instrumentation. I hope to use more musicians this time, different drummers for different kidns of parts, better guitarplayers and bassplayers (more like "stunt-guitarists" that can play what would take me 5 hours in 5 minutes..they will have zero input on the writing...) and stuff...

only time will tell

Dan Swanö;6364702 said:
wierdos!!! :)
The will definately be another album of mine where I play and sing in the style of Moontower. More elements will be added and it will not be so one- dimensional as Moontower in the instrumentation. I hope to use more musicians this time, different drummers for different kidns of parts, better guitarplayers and bassplayers (more like "stunt-guitarists" that can play what would take me 5 hours in 5 minutes..they will have zero input on the writing...) and stuff...

only time will tell

:kickass: Moontower is among the best things you've done Dan. A sequel would rule.
Dan Swanö;6364702 said:
wierdos!!! :)
The will definately be another album of mine where I play and sing in the style of Moontower. More elements will be added and it will not be so one- dimensional as Moontower in the instrumentation. I hope to use more musicians this time, different drummers for different kidns of parts, better guitarplayers and bassplayers (more like "stunt-guitarists" that can play what would take me 5 hours in 5 minutes..they will have zero input on the writing...) and stuff...

only time will tell


I wuv you :worship:
Dan Swanö;6364702 said:
wierdos!!! :)
The will definately be another album of mine where I play and sing in the style of Moontower. More elements will be added and it will not be so one- dimensional as Moontower in the instrumentation. I hope to use more musicians this time, different drummers for different kidns of parts, better guitarplayers and bassplayers (more like "stunt-guitarists" that can play what would take me 5 hours in 5 minutes..they will have zero input on the writing...) and stuff...

only time will tell

Sounds awesome! :headbang: I totally LOVE Moontower, so the news that you'll release something similar makes me very happy. :worship:
i was just discussing lyrics and grunts with our singer and it made me put on moontower... first time in a few months. goosebumps!!! definitely my "heart record". my body responds to this music :D

dan im sure you'll make another great cd. if it even comes close to moontower it will be awesome. but i dont know if you can take it to that emotional level... or maybe it's just me.
Second Sky is top-priority at the moment. We have much vocals left to track, but I am going to put a lot of my sparetime into this project the coming months and really try to do all the boring stuff (backing vocal stacks, editing of lead vocals etc.) and once I feel truly inspired I will nail some soulful lead vocals.

A Moontower alike album will not be out until earliest end of 2009.
Men den som väntar på något gott!!!
a year and a half from now is sooner than I thought.
now that Second Sky is in full motion... when do you think it's going to be finished and is it going to be a Black Mark release(please don't say vic recs.)