Does Katatonia ever..

That inspires me:

My Cat
Burn the Cat
Inside the City of Cats
We Must Bury Cats
Passing Cat
Don't Tell a Cat
I am CAT
No Good Can Come of Cats
A Cat Coming
Nightmares by the Cat
Cold Cats
Seven Dreaming Cats
Cats of Bereavement
Tomb of Cats
Dancing Cats

I'm sorry
Cerulean said:
That inspires me:

My Cat
Burn the Cat
Inside the City of Cats
We Must Bury Cats
Passing Cat
Don't Tell a Cat
I am CAT
No Good Can Come of Cats
A Cat Coming
Nightmares by the Cat
Cold Cats
Seven Dreaming Cats
Cats of Bereavement
Tomb of Cats
Dancing Cats

I'm sorry

Jhva Elohim Cat...The Revival

1. Midwinter Cats
2. Without Cat
3. Palace Of Cats
4. The Northern Cats
5. Crimson Cats

Dance Of December Cats

1. Seven Dreaming Cats
2. Cats of Bereavement
3. With Cats Enshrined
4. Without Cat
5. Elohim Cat
6. Velvet Catss (of Drynwhyl)
7. Tomb of Cats
8. Dancing Cats

For Cats To Come

1. Cat's Wedding
2. Shades Of Emerald Cats
3. For Cats To Come
4. Catistel

Brave Murder Cat

1. Brave Cat
2. Cat Murder
3. Cat's Day
4. Catroom
5. 12 Cats
6. Cat-time

Sounds Of Cats

1. (This Cat Is) Nowhere
2. At Cats
3. Inside The Cat

Saw You Drown A Cat

1. Saw You Drown A Cat
2. A Cat On My Nerves
3. Quiet Cat
4. Scarlet Cats

Discouraged Cats

1. Cats Break
2. Stalecat
3. Deadcat
4. Cat's Relention
5. Cold Cats
6. Gone The Kitten
7. Cat's Resort
8. A Cat On My Nerves
9. Saw You Drown A Cat
10. Instrumental For A Cat
11. Cat's Distrust

...end of part 1...