Does this mix sound glued together ?

I´m at my Studio right now listening to it. I don´t think it´s glueing yet. That nice soft, smooth glueing low end is missing. Guitars are kind of lifeless, snare doesn´t really fit in the mix, and kick is too low and could use more sub. That´s just my opinion! Other than that, good work!
I´m at my Studio right now listening to it. I don´t think it´s glueing yet. That nice soft, smooth glueing low end is missing. Guitars are kind of lifeless, snare doesn´t really fit in the mix, and kick is too low and could use more sub. That´s just my opinion! Other than that, good work!

Thanks for the help man. As i dont currently have studio monitors and am only using headphones to mix and listen to it I cant really get things to sit well.

The guitars are like that cause thats sort of what they wanted. They were originally more distorted but the band wanted them to be not so gained. Need to work on em.