Dat CTC.
Look, in this genre, you want brightness..and a lot of it, but keep it clean and clear.
Work on the guitar tone, make it sit well with the bass guitar and kick drum. Do a separate distorted track for the bass (if u havnt)
Also, look for some cameron mitzell (Produced CTC) samples, you might find his snare and kick somewhere.
Use Superior Drummer as your drum device, Im almost sure (not 100%) that hes using it, I can hear the SD kick blended in with another kick in his productions. I prefer Sturgis's mixes much more though.
Work on your levels and automate them, bring the kick up breakdowns or bring the guitars down (its just a technique! But in your case, I would bring the kick and snare up as it is)
Get better cymbals urgently. Either get Superior Drummer or buy a pack of cymbals from Sturgis (
www.joeysturgis.com) and use Kontakt.
Sorry if I forgot anything but I hope that what i put helps u in one way or another!