Does this mix sound good to you?

good as mix proportion - it's clear and size fit to size other elements. But it's shity about quality - there's no guitar punch, presure and some low end.. so it's all about money i think
Uhhh what.

Drums need to be brought up. Everything sounds sort of dark.

Guitars sound like Guitar Pro or something.

I mean that guitar sourse cheap by itself. So what you can do as mixer if you available work with chine 100$ guitar? and also it's not excluded - there's lack of right way performance in a early stages of sound formation. Yeah. I think you will consider your mixing work in perspective sounding cleanliness. At least that's all you have enough desire for that kind sourse
Dat CTC.
Look, in this genre, you want brightness..and a lot of it, but keep it clean and clear.
Work on the guitar tone, make it sit well with the bass guitar and kick drum. Do a separate distorted track for the bass (if u havnt)
Also, look for some cameron mitzell (Produced CTC) samples, you might find his snare and kick somewhere.
Use Superior Drummer as your drum device, Im almost sure (not 100%) that hes using it, I can hear the SD kick blended in with another kick in his productions. I prefer Sturgis's mixes much more though.
Work on your levels and automate them, bring the kick up breakdowns or bring the guitars down (its just a technique! But in your case, I would bring the kick and snare up as it is)
Get better cymbals urgently. Either get Superior Drummer or buy a pack of cymbals from Sturgis ( and use Kontakt.

Sorry if I forgot anything but I hope that what i put helps u in one way or another!
The guitars desperately need to be redone. The tone is all sorts of wrong, way way way too much high-end and mid-area honk. Not enough gain, either. The bass track, if there is one, is totally inaudible. The drums are also very weak and bland-sounding. To me, it sounds like some basic mastering and lots of surgical and color-EQ could go a long way.