Does This Sound Too Flat?


@ KMR Studios or Against The Current.m4a

I've been mixing a radio edit of our bands first single.

The videoclip is allready released on the net and the final mix as allready been printed.

I had some feedbacks about my mix sounding too flat (Lifeless as a pink noise)

I'd like your feedbacks on the mix that I could keep in mind till I mix the full version of the song.

Thanks! or Against The Current.m4a

I've been mixing a radio edit of our bands first single.

The videoclip is allready released on the net and the final mix as allready been printed.

I had some feedbacks about my mix sounding too flat (Lifeless as a pink noise)

I'd like your feedbacks on the mix that I could keep in mind till I mix the full version of the song.


The intro drums with the music = horrible.
If this was on the radio, id change it, fast.
Not even trying to diss you, im just saying, that part really threw off any potential groove for me :/
Wheres the vocals?
Also, things are a bit lifeless, yes.
Seems like a better compreseed master with a limiter could help bring some life into it.
or out of it. haha :rock:
arghh if it was louder my ears would blow, seriously, first compose the song well then when recording put cabinet simulators on the guitars and avoid getting up so many highs!
I thought that the guitar tone at the intro would be only that... the intro...
the only audible thing is the drums.. soundwise, not composedwise...
arghh if it was louder my ears would blow, seriously, first compose the song well then when recording put cabinet simulators on the guitars and avoid getting up so many highs!
I thought that the guitar tone at the intro would be only that... the intro...
the only audible thing is the drums.. soundwise, not composedwise...

Dude, i was thinking the same thing, I thought it was starting off small, and then there was gunna be some big epic kick-in with vocals where the guitar tone gets HUGE and shit. lmao.

Was I wrong.....
The guitars sound super thin and fizzy, drums sound flat the first couple of minutes and don't groove at all, they sound like really badly programmed ones. OHs are barely audible as well and the drums overall lack omph (snare sounds like it could use a cathedral verb). The bass doesn't bring a lot to the arrangement nor to the mix except a little low end. The song almost starts to sound ok near the end, but the guitars still ruin it, and for some reason it's like twice as loud as the first 2 minutes.
Your drums need the stereo factor that Overhead and Room microphones give. You don't have any room sound in the drums, it's just 1 kick one snare and symbals way down. Hihat is too thin (i guess you cut it all below 1500 off) The guitar sound is indeed VERY thin in this type of music, it isn't wrong that it's thin, bass could help a lot but it'll NEED to bee H_E_A_V_Y. I'd suggest to study instrument at a time to adjust some manageable sounds and then try to sew the package complete piece by piece :)