Doing a metallica cover, "Of Wolf And Man"

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
Gonna get the whole track posted as soon as I am done cleaning up all the choppy parts. I am pretty stoked on the guitars. Ended up using a 6505 through my framus dragon cab with an i5. Bass is just a bunch of plugin mess.

Anyways check it out and like I said I should have the full song up with vocals and shit soon. Wolf And Man.mp3

Cheers dudes,

EDIT: oh yeah this is the solo section sans solo.


Tracked Vocals tonight. Heres a clip of the progression. Vocal Clip.mp3
good work! can´t wait to hear the whole song.
are there live drums or is it midi? if so what did you use?
Midi drums right now. gonna be tracking the live drums next week. Right now its just superior 2.0 and a set of Joeys cymbals(dreaming heavy).
Sounds really good so far!! I love the drums! How much eq and compression do Joey's cymbals need to make everything glue?

I just used the cla 1176 bluey and a hipass. I really like his cymbal samples, but am more stoked about tracking the live drums for it.
Snare is 12a, fat city, and another random sample I had sitting around. No clue what I will use when I do the actual live drums next week. Hopefully keep it kind of natural.
Agree with Kimon on the guitars, but I like them none the less!
Vocals are nice too
Keen to hear the final version!