
Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Any fans of this band out there? Personally I think they are a slightly flawed but very enjoyable band if you like epic melodies with stratosphere busting vocals. It's hard not to love Morby in fact. The guy has an amazing voice. Sure it's not perfect and he has an accent which can greate on some but for me it's all part of the charm that he sings with his unique accent and wailing tone. Most of their albums are great IMO and even the first one is good even though the production is terrible. I also like the fact that every single album they've done follows the tales of their great albino here Elric. It's like it's their mission statement to make every album in general about his escapades and heroism. It's been 3 years since their last album and I was wondering what they are up to so I checked their website and they are active in a gigging and sense and there is an update as recent as 25th August about the old keyboarder returning but alas nothing about a new album at all which is a shame. If one does surface I'm sure you'll see Elric's slender ivory face somewhere on it! Oh and here's the band's cover of Stargazer. Personally I love how Morby sings this with his own inimitable character and style.


You also need to hear The Hurricane Master, one of Domine's best and most melodic fast songs and notable for one of the highest piercing screams metal has ever seen. The famous "Justice is done!" line which sends shivers up my spine. Hails to Domine and Morby!
