
Crimson Death

El Basilisco
Jan 24, 2002
What can you tell me about Dominus?
Sadly I have "The First 9" on mp3s... I can't purchase this or any worthy cd here... so any info please? I do know that Dan sings there, I can recognize the voice... Discography and info are very appriciated :)

And about Under Black Clouds, I think Dan was there too...
Hell-o there...

Hey, don't mix up everything together! DOMINUS is a dniash band: they started out as a death/black metal dealing with viking topics. "The First Nine" is their second album. With it, they started to get away from the typical extreme metal sound to go into a more groovy/rock direction: a kind of bizarre mix between Bolt Thrower and Cathedral...
Anyway, yhe bottom line is: Dan Swanö has never been part of this band! They're not even from the same country... Okay, the "growlings" kind of sound the same but that's about it....
The cousin of my friend that introduced Dominus to me.. has the original, my friend claims he saw in the booklet that the vox were done by Dan Swano, I'm confused then...