Don't ever buy Cort guitars until they fix this (video inside)


Nov 15, 2007
Tried searching for it but couldn't find anything.

I recently found this video on Reddit, and it seems like they treat their workers like absolute shit! Have a look:

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Cort’s main production focus is not on Cort-brand guitars, but rather on contract work for numerous other companies. Generally, large companies contract Cort to build lower-priced guitars that have that company’s brand on them. Ibanez, Parkwood, ESP, Schecter, G&L Tribute series line of guitars are among the most well-known brands that Cort produces.
Still, they make Cort :p I know there's alot of shit like this going on, so maybe I was a bit triggerhappy on the title.

But still man, don't you think this is shit?
Cort Guitars:
Uploaded by ddoyeon on Mar 25, 2009 18,666 Views

Rebecca Black:
Uploaded by rebecca on Jul 18, 2011 21,206,783 Views

I knew it was some shit all along, but when you actually see the people and listen to their experiences it hit me.

What do YOU think about this?
Yet another reason not to buy budget guitars. Cort manufactures lower-spec guitars for pretty much every big asian company, just like Habsburgs mentioned.
Same shit in China I presume?

Load of fucking bollocks is what it is. These people deserve GOOD working conditions, not fucking low-wage slavery.
Damn... I have a Cort guitar. My first guitar, incredible product for the price. Now I have an Ltd and it was probably built under the same circunstances. Makes me feel part of the problem. If the South Korean people are treated like this, just imagine how do they treat the philippines that replaced them.
My Cort guitar was also a great product for the price (M600 model), but it's grieving to hear what the people behind all this are going through. I hope that a similar video from PRS factory won't come out to make me feel bad about my current guitar :)
Hi, in this episode of Predatory Capitalism we get to see how a multimillion business goes about crafting many a pre-teen's dream toy for the past 25 years in constant profit.

Sadly I have no reason to believe that any other guitar manufacturer is any different, except for custom shops. Sometimes I'm all for budget assembly line hundred dollar Chinese/Indonesian guitars but sadly this comes all too often at a price. I would totally look into a guitar handmade by any of these folks though, and would pay the price expected for a well made custom guitar just the same to an American dude as I would to a Chinese or an Indonesian, a good guitar is a good guitar, I don't buy into this shit about tradition and heritage. I don't see myself buying any of those brands Cort still manufacture (I know you folks on here really love Ibanez and ESP/Schecter, but them Banzai guitars as I affectionately call them died for me at the end of the 80s. Just weren't my thing anymore and the reissues are too expensive), maybe used, since that way the company makes nothing.
My Cort guitar was also a great product for the price (M600 model), but it's grieving to hear what the people behind all this are going through. I hope that a similar video from PRS factory won't come out to make me feel bad about my current guitar :)

CNC routers don't mind if you shit on them.
When you have a budget of under a grand you should probably expect to get lower quality production line cheap guitars. I know Carvin makes some good customs for under $1000, but aside from them, it's hard to find a mass produced guitar that is high quality for under 1k. I know Neil Zaza used to endorse Cort for a long time, but i'm sure those were built out of their custom shop and hand made for him and much higher quality than their lower models.