Don't forget - Talk Like A Pirate Day - Sept 19th!


Active Member
Jul 7, 2002
St. Paul, MN
HEADS UP! Just a reminder that tomorrow, September 19th, is (Inter)National Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Go to to brush up on your lingo!


Talk Like a Pirate Day History

While not as popular as Christmas or Arbor Day, Talk Like a Pirate Day is a recognized and heartily celebrated international holiday. On September 19th, people awake transformed: their voices deeper, their usual pedestrian walk replaced by a seaman’s swagger, and whenever they speak, they speak with the voice of a pirate.
Founded by [John Baur and Mark Summers] during a raquetball game and, coincidentally, occuring the same day’s as Mark’s ex-wife’s birthday, Talk Like a Pirate Day has taken the world by storm. At my office, for instance, everyone talks like a pirate on September 19th. There’s no end to the fun as clients call and are subjected to the blast of “Ahoy matey, what can we do for ye scurvy dogs this fine day?”
The thing just sort of grew, and then took off in 2002 when Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Dave Barry got wind of it and [wrote about it in his Miami Herald Column].

:kickass: :tickled:
Pegasus were flying, cloaks were torn
Hell hath no fury like a power metaler scorned
The number one rule in this game:
Never call one by their non D&D name
swords were pulled, enemies were crushed
By pointy pikes in a rush
And Odin at the bar orders a Bud and says,
"It's just another night at the power metal Club."
Pegasus were flying, cloaks were torn
Hell hath no fury like a power metaler scorned
The number one rule in this game:
Never call one by their non D&D name
swords were pulled, enemies were crushed
By pointy pikes in a rush
And Odin at the bar orders a Bud and says,
"It's just another night at the power metal Club."

LOL! :lol: :lol:

Let's not tell Voltaire about this...updating...of his song. He's still sore from Dragon*Con. :)

I'll spread the word at work about Talk Like a Pirate Day.... :kickass:

After reading the Aubrey-Maturin books by Patrick O'Brian (some of the best historical novels ever written), I can sling ye olde seagoing lingo with the best of 'em. Hell, I could probably command a two-decker 74 from her quarterdeck. :)