Don't like my EVH5153 412 cab and need advice (clips inside)


New Metal Member
Jul 19, 2010
Hey guys... I'm reading here for a couple of years and learned and laughed a lot. But today I have to start with writing :)

I really need some more ears, advice and opinions. I'm recording my songs with my band for pre-production and demo use. It's far away from being pro but we do this before going into a studio just to be prepared. :)
And all of the time I'm not happy with my guitar sound. I find it too scooped, not crunchy enough for our music, too flat and so on.

In the last couple of days I've reamped some takes to find out what I could do better.

Here is the equipment I've used...
EVH 5153 head (settings for this session: all tone knobs 12 o'clock)
EVH 412 cab (Celestion G12EVH greenback style)
Audix I-5 (believe me, my SM57 makes it worse)

And than I took my head at home and connected it to my selfmade isolation cab, which is equipped with a single Celestion V30. This isolation cab is only for practicing, fun and my little playground at home, not meant to get a killer sound from it.

So, here are the clips. Sorry for the "mix", I'm just in the beginners phase and it's recorded in our rehearsal room. The guitar sound is just rough reamped and not treated.

1. EVH head + EVH cab + audix i5 ...

2. EVH head + iso cab (V30) + audix i5

This one was just for trying out my little tiny terror, but I like the little more amount of growl it adds to the sound.
EVH Head + Tiny Terror + iso cab (V30) + audix i5 test/git_test_snip3.mp3

Ok... and I like the V30 clips a lot more. It's much more into the style of sound which I want. But I have to add, that the clean sound is killer when recorded, but our music contains only 10% clean...

Here is my list of options I'm thinking about...
- Keep it as it is and buy a new pair of ears because the old ones are fucked up. (have to sell a kidney for that first)
- buy a pair of V30s an put it into the EVH cab. If I do that, how is the typical setup for mixed speakers? Crossed, parallel? Don't know that. Does that sound ok? Could I expect troubles because of the huge different wattage?
- sell the EVH cab and buy an Orange or a Mesa cab. (have to sell a kidney too for the Mesa) but I think I would miss the cab on some more bluesy tones.

I'm very thankful for your thoughts on this. :)
Sincerely I prefer much more the's an awesome cab, man. Take note that it has Greenbacks and they are only 25W each so they "move" very easily (the opposite of t75's)...a little less bass maybe is necessary...but I love the sound.
I definitely prefer the v30 as well. Maybe boosting the mids/cutting bass on the amp will help the greenbacks sound more aggressive, but as mentioned they are lower wattage and the actual speaker will breakup earlier than a v30.

Try putting the v30 in the cab and see what it sounds like there. I've always preferred a mic'd cab to an isobox.
Oh man, this will be a bloody business changing my ears...

Thanks a lot for your reply :) Yes I always prefer a whole cab, the isobox is just for my songwriting at home, always wanted to build one and it's more a fun thing.
Could it be, that I drive the amp to hard on the EVH cab? If I remember right, it was loud, not insane, but loud. Perhaps Volume up to 4.

Just forgot one thing to check... to combine the sounds. So one set of guitars with the EVH sound and one set with the V30 sound, don't know why I've never tried this.

Do you know this thing, when you are listening too long on one sound, everything else sounds better than that. I've forgotton to tell, that I've got another cab, an old Kitty Hawk 412 with Celestion G12M-70. Got it used for 100 Euros, couldn't say no on this one. Perhaps the best way would be to put a pair of V30s in this one.
I've always preferred Greenbacks to pretty much everything else. All my heads are 120 watt, though, and I'd rather not blow a quad of speakers, so I use V30s (right now), K100s, or Texas Heats.
What I am missing on the miced EVH cab are these dirty mids. The V30 sound on the other side is too tamed. My local equipment dealer's got an orange 212 cab there since yesterday. Why is he doing this to me... want it now... But I think I'll buy a pair of V30s for the Kitty Hawk cab and than take a listen on combining them. I mostly take 4 rhythm tracks (have to work on my tightness too) so I'll will try 2 EVH and 2 with the other cab. The iso cab is funny for playing at home but too boxy for a real tryout.
I think there is also a little too much gain dialed in at the moment. And next time I will also try a set of rhythm guitars on the blue channel with my ts in front of it, I really love the blue channel a little bit boosted.
I've listend too much to the sound, now I'm in the phase of not liking anything. :)
Do how old is the v30 you have in there? Maybe you could post here the code that is on your speaker chassis.

I personally find that the iso box sounds fuller. The EVH has some annoying peaking mid / high frequencies that cut too much through the mix and "add noise" to the tone.
Ehm... The EVH cab has Greenback STYLE speakers.. only they're only 20 watts, not 25. EVH developed a 100 watt amp to run with a 80 watt cab that you can leave a 6 string bass plugged into feeding back, then unplug the head from the cab overnight while it's still running, and it'll still be good as new. (this is what happened with ED in the testing rooms, don't try this at home lol!)

And hell yes, I promote Greenbacks and Greenie-esque speakers in metal and rock. They sound so juicy and full...

I dig both sounds, tbh.
I think I will go for a mixed setting in the future, I really like the deep sound of the EVH and never got better clean sounds than from the EVH cab. But I will try to get my hands on an Orange cab with V30s in the future. With 4 rhythm tracks it's nice to combine the two cab styles. If I have only 2 tracks I had much better results with guitars with less bass output but tight mids, than the EVH cab sounds killer. My own Les Paul style guitars are a little bit heavy in the bass area.
And I think I have to spend more time to dial in the right amount of volume on the head.
Not sure I understand, says they are 12w and 15 ohms.

When they first came out they were rated for 20 watts. And the description says 20 watts. I think the 12 is a typo. Because an 80w cab with a 100w head is bad enough, but a 48w cab?

Also, scroll over the pic of the back of the speaker and tell me what you see...

EDIT: I just took a look at the frequency charts... Aparently, the Greenback and the EVH are tonally the same, so I eat my words about it not being a true GB. It's still got a lower wattage which needs to be taken into consideration. Eddie must love speaker distortion at low volumes!
I think the 12 is a typo. Because an 80w cab with a 100w head is bad enough, but a 48w cab?

Ah yes, I checked the label and it says 20w. I could not quite understand the 48w cab, yes.

I just took a look at the frequency charts... Aparently, the Greenback and the EVH are tonally the same, so I eat my words about it not being a true GB.

Well the g12m heritage looks like a 20w green back... and actually the exact same as an EVH. I read somewhere EVH were just relabeled g12m heritage.

Anyway, it's more or less a greenback.

But still, I find those recent greebbacks to be quite harsh and shrill sounding compared to older ones.