Don't swallow sea water

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.

:yow: :Puke:
9 years? Fuck.

When I lived in Oklahoma, some people there were amazed that I used to live within 45 minutes of the ocean, because they had never seen it. I was like: "So the fuck what?" :err:
this bitchass website said:
Dear fag,

Unfortunately your registration at GFsports Forums did not meet our membership requirements. Therefore your registration was deleted.

GFsports Forums team

What the fuck dude? I've never actually been denied to register to a forum before. :zombie:
Yeah, but that was the username I signed up with. :loco:

I tried again using a different username and email address, no dice so far.
You won't be admitted dude. It's a secret clubhouse, so to speak, lol. I tried findiong the same pic on th enet but no dice yet. This thread went to shit from the nitial post. FUCK
"You see that!? You see him repressing me!?!?"

Dude just save the image and post it elsewhere, unless the Stonecutters would come after you for violating the Sacred Parchment otherwise known as User Agreement. :loco:
dickfaced cockmasters said:
Dear Idolatry,

Unfortunately your registration at GFsports Forums did not meet our
membership requirements. Therefore your registration was deleted.

GFsports Forums team