DOn't ya love these fuckin people.

Actually I am a Catholic, Difference between fundamentalists and myself is I don't preach to those who dont want to hear it. I never force mybeliefs and as long as other relgions dont infringe upon my rights or those of my family I could give a fuck what others do. Its not me for me to judge. However if these muslim extreamists want to start that jihad shit with me I say we bomb them back to the stone age and let them rebuild themselves. And as for the extreamist christians. There just as fucked as the towel heads.

Excuse me while I go watch the lethal weapon series and then go talk shit on all my jew friends.
They might not know how to use a napkin, but they all know how to read that Koran. Don't forget that arabs invented and(or) brought to Europe a lot of shit europeans didn't have a clue about. My point is not to praise the fuckers, but also not to underestimate them.
Perhaps you misunderstood me! I'm not talking about Arabs in general, I'm talking about these dipshits specificly.
I am a “Christian” and a “Conservative,” but I’m not a fundamentalist Christian Conservative, hell I only go to Church for weddings and funerals.

I don’t think you have to be a fundamentalist Christian to see the problem with radicalized Islam; you just have to have some common sense.

We have some ultra-wacked out nut jobs on the right side of the political spectrum, don’t get me wrong. But we don’t have people strapping bombs to themselves then walking into restaurants, libraries, hotels, schools, day care centers etc….

Not all Muslims, but the fundamentalist radical ones (you know the guys who strap bombs to themselves, fly planes into buildings, dig tunnels and kidnap Israeli soldiers) want three things.

1) The state of Israel no longer to exist.
2) all the Jews dead.
3) the world to be dominated by their twisted version of their religion.

While there are some nut jobs in America who want the country ruled by “fundamentalist Christian” values, don’t get me wrong. At least they are not blowing things up and killing innocent people to do it.

I’m just sayin’

Now let’s quit talking about politics on this board and talk about some METAL~!
Maybe we could put our Westboro Church assholes out in the desert with them & whoever's left standing, their God's right.
Dragons_Kin said:

How do you know that translation is accurate though? She was using some big words there, such as companion, that I don't think a 3 1/2 year old would know what it means or how to use it. Of course, that doesn't mean that someone didn't feed her those words but then I wonder how she understood all of what the woman was asking her either.
manthatfollowshell said:
While there are some nut jobs in America who want the country ruled by “fundamentalist Christian” values, don’t get me wrong. At least they are not blowing things up and killing innocent people to do it.
Oh, really? Huh. I think you're conveniently ignoring a few things.