Doomsday (film)

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Pretty cool and gory B movie. It's like Fallout 3 meets The Road Warrior meets Resident Evil (the game) in Scotland. Tarrantino-esque gore.

The director was the director of Dog Soldiers, which is a fucking great B horror movie about soldiers turned werewolves.

Plus, there's Malcolm McDowell, Bob Hoskins, and the hot English chick from Boston Legal!

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I was thinking the same thing. At first I was watching Sky and saw it and thought, "Oh great...another crappy movie." But I was pleasantly surprised and quite entertained. Really cool death scenes.
Yeah it's entertaining...I mean it's a B movie so you shouldn't get your hopes way up. There's a strange twist to it as well, since civilization went backwards because of the epidemic. You'll see if you watch it.

I wouldn't say it's B movie cheesy, but B movie gory with an interesting story. Special effects are A-movie good...this isn't The Toxic Avenger although some parts are almost just as over the top.

It's definitely better than most A-movies of its ilk. I mean, come on...this is WAAAAAAYYYYY better than that abortion I Am Legend.
watched part of it on HBO or whatever yesterday, but it started slow and i was kinda surfin around and didnt see much. the description on the 'info' claimed it to be a combo of the best of 28 Days Later, The Road Warrior, and Escape from New York. obviously if this was true it would be one of the greatest films of all time, but they were exaggerating. i may give it another chance.
I thought for a second of 28 Days Later, but only the fact that there's a viral outbreak. They're not friggin' zombies or anything...sadly. In my opinion it should've been about zombies.

That's a pretty good description though.