
Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Ok, I don't know what I was smokin', but when I first spun their last disc LET THE BATTLE COMMENCE, it did not click with me.

After spinning it again, I am hooked!
(And this is actually supposed to be one of their weaker discs).

Recommended for fans of epic, traditional, and doom!!!!!!

They are from ITALY, so a festival appearance next year is probably out of the question. Their most recent release has been well-received, at least from the reviews I have read.

These guys need to get on a label like CM or Nuc Blast, who have broader distribution.

Any fans?
Yeah I fell in love with them recently based on songs I've heard, but haven't heard an album. Hmm they've recently had some albums added to rhapsody, including this one. I'll check it out.