DOOOOM metal, for fans of SWTS, daylight dies and so on.


Aug 4, 2009
Ireland - Denmark
Hello, I would you would try to get some feedback on this mix I have done :).

All the recording was done by the band them self and it was their first time so as you can imagine the raw tracks is not very good at all.. but I did my best to polish it a bit.

Here is the raw mix I got from the band, just to show you what I had to work on (only thing they did was volumes, and pans)

Now here is my mix (still need to tweak some triggering on the drums and so on) 11.mp3

Hope to get some feedback :kickass:

EDIT, nvm the topic.. it should have been STS as in swallow the sun :p
The first thing I noticed was the cymbals, it seems as if the right overhead was eq'ed or compressed way more than the left overhead. You can hear the snare in the overhead a ton, which wouldn't be a bad thing if it was balanced. I think the drums could use work with some compression or something to enhance the attack and I think a shit ton of verb would give them a huge sound and complete the epic-ness of the song. I think percussion in doom (well really any genre) gives the tone to the overall song, like adding to that "wall of sound" that comes from this type of music. Vocals sound a little too airy for my taste, don't know how you mixed those but a some lower frequencies would add more throat to it.

I've tried mixing at really low volumes for epic music and then turning up the whole mix when I finished, that has helped before.

I'd fix the overheads so sound more balanced, reverb the drums and more on they keys too. I would do the same with the guitars but have the delay time set shorter with a smaller "room size" setting for a bigger sound. Maybe a little more mids to bring them up too. And maybe a lower-mid boost on those growls and you will nail it.

Hope that like- helps lol good work
Thanks alot for the good feedback :).
As I said the band did the recordings themself and they fucked up the mic position for the overheads so thats why there is more snare in one side.. I will try later when I get home to balance it out some more :saint:

Good suggestion with the verb, I will experiment some more later... only thing is im not a fan of to much verb on the tracks so I have to see if I can do it wihtout going overboard with it hehe. Will also try your suggestion with more lower mids in the vocals.

Again, thank you very much :kickass:
I like the style and song, but I think the choir synths are a bit overbearing and kind of take power away instead of giving it - they should support the guitars since they are very pad-like and are more for reinforcing notes instead of taking lead in this case. The drums could use a bit of a volume boost.
Much better, man. I quite like the song after hearing it a few times thing you may want to try is widening the choirs somehow, they seem very centered to me, which is taking up some vocal 'space' in relation to the panning. You could do this in a number of ways, if your soft synth doesnt allow a stereo split with its controls. this will give the vocals a less-cluttered center space and be much clearer as a result. It's not too bad as is, though.

You may also try working with some of the drum processing and eq, brighten them up a bit. 'specially the snare.