Double Tracking Power Guitar - help need tips


Apr 10, 2010
I'm trying to get a good comercial power-guitar tone, i use the Double Tracking tecnique
i think that one of my problems is phase betewn the 2 tracks, i have the sensaction that the guitar is dancing sometimes to left some times to right, other is that the distorction is not "crunchy"
here is my samples, 32 bits, wav format with distorction and without
i use amplitube metal for distorction and i use 3 traks 2 pand hard left and right other on the center just with a litle EQ to cut the low and rise the hi, please lisening and say somenthing, i'm new in this, its hard for me to get compression right in the powe guitar,a have no problens with compression on drums piano and bass but on guitar i simple cant do it right, my compressor is a vst oxford dinamics
(sorry for my inglish)
Your undistorted guitar sounds very compressed. Don't do that. Go straight into your amp without any compression before it. What guitar/pickups did you use for that? Don't put anything before the amp except a Tube Screamer plugin if the notes are not chugga enough.
Having the right amount of gain is important too. Turn the gain slowly up from minimum to see where the real chugga is. Increase the gain to find the point where the tone looses attack again. Turn down gain, there you go.
And the left and right jumping: It's a matter of playing tight so that this goes away. Rehearse with a metronom or drum track to learn to play tight.
