Double ups on BASS?


New Metal Member
Apr 5, 2006
I know alot of engineers/producers will double,triple or more on the guitars for heavy stuff but what about the bass guitar? Anyone out there double up on bass parts? Maybe even just for parts of the song?????
well just adding chorus to a guitar is not the same as doubling the part up. Otherwise we wouldnt spend the time stacking parts. I guess I will just try it but it seems like it would be the same as guitars. Surely someone has done this.
I didnt say at any point that adding chorus to a guitar part is the same as doubling it. Its not. You werent asking about guitar though you were asking about bass. If you double up a bass part if sounds chorused.
yes I have tried it.
Am inclined to sometimes have two bass parts in a track doing different parts in different registers but I'd never double the same bass line. You basically lose the attack that you get with a single track and the low end definition can easily turn to mud. When you consider that you've already got kick drums and the low end from guitars overlapping with the bass to deal with, the last thing you'd usually want is more elements down there.