Changing volume on tracks with automation in pro tools?


No Care Ever
I did some volume automation on the kick drum(to make the fast double bass parts a little quieter), but now i cant adjust the volume on the kick drum from the mixer anymore without turning off the "read" function. Whenever i adjust the volume to bring the kick track up a bit, it just snaps back in place(and this is on the parts where there is no automation).

sorry for my newb question

pro tools LE 7.4

i've already googled away looking for the answer, so im not trying to be lazy.
Select Volume then you can trim the individual volume/automation changes, or grab the the volume line behind the last region and move the hole volume/automation of the track!.
so once you do automation, there isnt any way to be able to fine tune the volume with the mixer anymore?

You can, but you'll need to set it to 'read' and mouse it in - or 'write' and manually move it that way when you're mixing.
It would probably be better to use touch mode instead of write mode if you are editing your automation and want to keep some of what you have done already. This way, once you release the fader, your automation will stop being written and the levels will return to where they were before.
It would probably be better to use touch mode instead of write mode if you are editing your automation and want to keep some of what you have done already. This way, once you release the fader, your automation will stop being written and the levels will return to where they were before.

Sorry,.. you're right!

I rarely use ProTools and if I use automation, then it's usually fade outs.
I mix like I don't have automation (generally).