pro tools: how do you type in a value on a channel fader...

so it's actually different in PT8 the 7.4 But it's there in both the mix and edit windows.


step 1. Click on the mini fader looking icon here....


step 2. Click on the numerical value at the bottom of the new fader window.


step 3. Enter Your Amount.



ALL THE SAME, except where the little icon is. You used to be able to just click the number but that's apparently changed, and I use it so little I jsut never 3 steps, but it's easy enough.

ahh sweet, got it

any way to page through the tracks with the fader pop up left open?

for instance, what key would i hit if i wanted to go to "audio 02" from "audio 01" on the fader pop out

also, is there a key command to initiate the entry for fader level?

Good lad for the epic screenshots! :kickass:

Joey bro, have you got Beat Detective going down smoothly yet? Bloody lovely BD is ;)

now that's the manual way...give me a second....there's s way that I do that's alot shorter but it might be an HD only feature.....

thanks again, can't wait to hear the other way of doing it
im trying to use the mouse as less as possible

the only way to be super fast is to use the keyboard.

all of this is super important to me because i bought pro tools to become faster at what i do, because every cd i produced in 2009 went over time, and still is going over time. its a problem i need to correct.

i find it hard to learn a lot of pt stuff because i dont know what things are called according to the manual

when i wanted to search for what i asked you, i couldn't think of what terms to use to type in to the search...

and if i knew what the fader pop out was called, i could probably look this up, too

but thanks again, for helping me with this.
shit with no HD rig in sight I can't test it but I know there's a way to do it by linking this menu item and the classic " p ' ; l "keys for moving up/right/down/left in AZ mode... however I know that it's either an HD ONLY feature (which I can't test) or I have in programmed with quick keys.

no worries man....a few tips if you're looking for speed....

buy 2 things....

one of these

and this....

if you can't use a trackball or refuse to...well you best get over that cause I garantee a trackball is the fastest way to get good with PT...program a few specific quick keys to those 4 buttons and you'll edit faster then ever before.

And I use quick keys for everything from simple key commands PT doesn't have (NO DELETE FADE COMMAND WHEN YOU GET PROMPTED IF YOU TRY AND SMOOTH A SECTION WITH A FADE WTF!!!!) to programming insanely complicated commands like an amazing sample replacement patch I have....

If you really need any help, just PM me. I use to beta for digi and I'd like to think I know my way around it pretty good.....been almost 10 years using it now....
yeah +1 on the kensington track ball.
I was slow on at at first but now I fly around PT like nothing. and my wrist doesn't hurt.
+1000000 on the kensington mouse.

I've hoarded about 3 of these because of the quick launch buttons. I've got em all mapped out to different shit...I'm soooort of the opposite of you Joey, where I like using the mouse more for quick keys (cuz of the programable buttons.) But yeah...I've been working with PT for a looong time now and have been using it everyday of my life for the past 8-9 years or so. I'm actually in post productions doing music editorial for Desperate Housewives and Criminal Minds.

Ok..enough about talking myself up. ;)

I also have some protools instruction books that I acquired from getting my certification some years back. They're for PT 6.4...BUT they haven't changed a lot in PT in terms of keyboard shortcuts and what not. I could probably dig em out of out my storage unit....(if I still have em) and send em your way. Very good info in em, dude.

Here's the mouse that they discontinued! The one that took it's place doesn't have the scroll wheel or the 6 quick launch buttons at the top. :(
+1000000 on the kensington mouse.

I've hoarded about 3 of these because of the quick launch buttons. I've got em all mapped out to different shit...I'm soooort of the opposite of you Joey, where I like using the mouse more for quick keys (cuz of the programable buttons.) But yeah...I've been working with PT for a looong time now and have been using it everyday of my life for the past 8-9 years or so. I'm actually in post productions doing music editorial for Desperate Housewives and Criminal Minds.

Ok..enough about talking myself up. ;)

I also have some protools instruction books that I acquired from getting my certification some years back. They're for PT 6.4...BUT they haven't changed a lot in PT in terms of keyboard shortcuts and what not. I could probably dig em out of out my storage unit....(if I still have em) and send em your way. Very good info in em, dude.

Here's the mouse that they discontinued! The one that took it's place doesn't have the scroll wheel or the 6 quick launch buttons at the top. :(

DUDE THATS THE SAME ONE I HAVE! I actually have 3....2 still in the box for the day the one I have breaks :). I am so used to the button layout I can't go back at all.....
hahah funny that!
ive never got on with a trackball; tried it once and it just slowed me down!
i hear you on the stockpileing though...
Ive got 3/4 g4 and g5 keyboards that im hanging on to for pro tools; coz the new ones are fucking HORRIBLE to use!!


or this..

is WAAAAY better than this...
