Doug on DLBN Friday 3/26!

Hey again all,

Doug told me to go ahead & post about this so here we go:
Doug Ott, guitarist from Enchant to appear live on Critic's Carnival Friday the 26th beginning at 9pm Pacific Time! We'll be talking to Doug about the new album, the new record label & the recent live show in Oakland, among other things...Doug said he would pick some favorite tunes to talk about as well...It should be a fun time for all!

Where: on "Critic's Carnival"
When: Friday March 26, 9pm-Midnight Pacific Time
Why: For the love o' prog

New Listeners: To listen to the live stream you will need Winamp 5.02 installed on your computer as 3.0 does not support our OGG file format. (2.8 & 2.9 also work...) You can get a copy of 5.02 on the help page. Mac users also see: for an appropriate media player. I would suggest a test listen sometime this week before my show with Doug so we don't have too many folks with problems the night of the show ;-)
9 PM PST means 5 AM GMT or 6 AM CET. Means you have to get up very early... :erk:

But the shows are archived until the next week.
This is great!!

I'm regretably not going to be anywhere near a PC this Friday - did I read that it will be archived after broadcast? WOuld that be for streaming or for download?....
Burke said:
This is great!!

I'm regretably not going to be anywhere near a PC this Friday - did I read that it will be archived after broadcast? WOuld that be for streaming or for download?....

You'll need Real Player to listen to archives. The archive is up until the following week's show, so you've got plenty of time to listen if you can't listen live.

I will be there with bells on (not literally). I definitely appreciate the heads-up, Carny!


NP: A.C.T. - Imaginary Friends
Heya Lurker! Yes, if you are going to listen via archive check the DLBN help page if you have any problems. I promise to upload the archive as soon as the show is over this Friday so no one will have to wait...usually I upload the archive Saturday morning, but that would be about 2pm GMT :loco:

PS: I just checked the DLBN main page & Doug has top billing on our crawling banner :tickled:
Burke, I forgot to mention that the archives are streaming only ;-)

Also just a reminder to those who will be first-time listeners: I strongly suggest you visit the DLBN website tonight or tomorrow & set up your system to listen to the show before Friday. Since we use an open-source file format you may have to tinker a bit with any new media players that you installed to listen to the live show! Just click on the "Help" link for a step-by-step guide & any troubleshooting that you may need! Please try to listen to any of the live shows that will be on before Critic's Carnival on Friday night.

All for now,

Sounds good - thanks for the info Carny.

BTW - since I saw them on the site, I checked out a few soundclips of LITTLE ATLAS..... not bad! Might see about checking them out a little more in-depth... and hell, they're based just south of me outta Miami!!

Live Prog shows are hard to come by down here...
Burke said:
Sounds good - thanks for the info Carny.

BTW - since I saw them on the site, I checked out a few soundclips of LITTLE ATLAS..... not bad! Might see about checking them out a little more in-depth... and hell, they're based just south of me outta Miami!!

Live Prog shows are hard to come by down here...

Damn! :hypno: Burke, I forgot I had recently "met" a prog-head down here in South Florida. Little Atlas played in Hollywood last Friday night. I went down by myself and had a BLAST! What a great band! They played some new stuff not available yet and it's even better than what they've released so far. Next time I'll try to remember you're in the area so I'll have someone to go see prog shows with. :rock:
Well, the show last night turned out pretty well (all things considered :tickled: .)

Thanks so much Doug for coming by & staying way too late on Critic's Carnival! The fans who missed the live show can listen to the archive on my "show page" at any time this week, then the March 26 archive will be moved to the permanent archive section reserved for "special" DLBN shows :rock:

Excellent job last night, Carny!

Doug was informative and funny. Great show and I'm sure a lot of the folks in chat (and listeners out of chat) that weren't familiar with Enchant's music will be buying up CDs now. Kudos! And thanks to Doug for doing the show too.

I urge anyone who didn't catch the show to listen to the archive. You'll be glad you did.

NP: Enchant - Tug of War
The_Lurker said:
I urge anyone who didn't catch the show to listen to the archive. You'll be glad you did.

NP: Enchant - Tug of War

Yeah Lurker, you have to listen to the whole show on archive...Doug was telling us great stuff all the way until the end of the show! He was here until about 1am still in the chat room after the show was over around 12:30...maybe next time we'll see some of the people from this board in chat :rock: We all noticed after the first roll call :err:

All for now...
Just a head's up for those who haven't visited DLBN or my show: Last Friday April 2 during my live show I was able to give away a Doug-signed copy of "Blink" to Floridian Enchant fan! Some might say "it pays to listen" :loco:

I'm only mentioning this as I thought we might see more Enchant fans listening & hanging out in the live chat room during the show...I know that more DLBN listeners (& DJ's, not to mention the station founder/owner) are becoming Enchant fans & I was kinda hoping that folks here would give DLBN a chance? So here's my pledge: this Friday April 9th I will play each & every Enchant request, but only from the folks who are listening live & also attending the chat room. Limit one song per person! :p

Also I have three Enchant posters to give away this Friday (ToW, BoaE & Break) to someone in the DLBN chat room! These are NOT signed but I'm pretty sure they were up on the walls at imusicast during the live recording (they are in perfect condition, but have tape on corners.) Since Doug gave them to me, he would have to confirm this historical factoid...


So hopefully I'll see some "fresh faces"
For the record, I was not the Florida Enchant fan who received the signed copy of Blink and I'm still NOT happy about it! ;)

But I'll be listening to your show, Carny. In fact, I'm filling in for Frank so I'll be preceeding you on the Friday Night Freakout.

Great to see Enchant getting the props they so greatly deserve at DLBN. Unfortunately, when you live 2 time zones to the east, and are on Norco and Valium, it makes it hard to stay up past 10pm my time, let alone your time. Just wanted to say great job on promoting a great band.

Does this mean Enchant has over-taken Magellan at the top of the Carnival Man hierarchy? :-)