Download APHOTIC for $5.99 NOW

Wish i had seen that before! Cant say i dont love you guys cause my pre-order wasnt in so i bought it on Itunes. So i bought twice but watever its good shit!
up to 6 now. Listened twice and I dare say Aphotic could be the best album ever by ND. I especially am digging Larry's lead work. The guitar work is better on this all the way around. The integration of the violin gives the 2 songs that it' used on an almost a haunting serenity. Anneke. well just top line vocal work. This entire album-fuckin' Bravo man.
Theoden- That's cool man, whichever way you prefer to own it is your choice, just glad you're buying it!

Bloodsword- Thanks for the good words man, hopefully this album will keep your interest for times to come, we worked hard on it. And thanks for the comment about my lead work, as you know I don't consider myself to be the most prolific lead guitarist, so it's nice to hear good things. Usually I just play whatever feels right, however sparse or simple it might wind up being, as long as it fits the mood of the song. If others seem to agree then I've done my job!
I kept trying to tell you at the show larry, you are an incredible lead guitarist. I would even go as far as to say you are the Gilmore of metal. Especially after hearing the new album, the solo from buried is beyond perfection!!
Good work guys. I always look forward to your stuff. It's obvious you guys put a lot of effort into this one. I've only been able to listen to it a few times but my first impressions (just first impressions, take that as it is) are that it's a step below novella and Pale haunt but on equal footing with INRI. Surprisingly it isn't really comparable to the aforementioned albums but it just comes down to my personal preference. I do miss the acoustic breaks from Pale Haunt Departure at times.

Overall buried was the track that really impressed me the first time around. Awesome stuff, love the guitar mixed with bass to give it that same sort of feel as the intro to "in the absence of grace"(absolutely love that intro). That sort of sound just defines you guys in my eyes, as I've never heard anything like it elsewhere. The solo is up there with Novella Reservoir's. I'm not a solo kind of person, but Larry you sure do know how to do it with restraint. When I can hum the solo, you know you have a good melody in there. Six Sides was also a highlight of the album for me. What a riff, sounds really fun to play.

Come to think of it, the only gripes I would have so far are with "Harvest scythe" and "What Could Have Been". I'm a HUGE fan of ND's softer songs, but What Could Have Been really didn't do it for me. Just felt out of place from such a dark band. Even songs such as "Twilight Innocence" kept that ND feel. What Could Have Been just meandered despite great vocal performances. Obviously not everyone feels that way, and I applaud the effort towards something vastly different and unfamiliar for the band. As for Harvest Scythe, i just couldn't get into it, I don't even know why.

I'm glad you guys are progressing and that every album is so different. I hope no one is offended by anything I said. The listener doesn't always catch what the artist means to display. Just thought I'd share a mini-first impressions in here. This one could be a grower.
I'll get around to buying a physical copy soon. Just wanted to hear it as soon as possible. Been following ND since PHD, and that has been my favorite album thus far. However, Aphotic could change that. After more listens, the songwriting has developed in such a strong way. Everything to me sounds so much more cohesive, except for the song "What could have been" Beautiful song just don't know where it fits with the rest of the album. I've always believed ND has been one of the hardest working bands in all of metal.T his album supports that completely. Congratulations on a stellar creation.
Maybe its because I'm stuck in New Mexico but my pre-order has yet to arrive. The end always used to be so efficient with mail orders (from my experience).
The END is fuckin' atrocious man. One of the best distros for years, has become one of the worst. I have not ordered anything from them since 2006, when they completely fucked up numerous orders. And I will never again order from them. Seems like when they hit Brooklyn, they went into the shitter.