Dr. Slaggleberry - The Slagg Factory


A toilet brush... Cunning
Jul 13, 2008
Edinburgh, Scotland
Dr. Slaggleberry – The Slagg Factory
Crash Records – CRASH09-DS04 - 12 October 2009
By Simon Brand


Tech metal is a genre rife with thousands of 18 year olds who have just learnt to sweep-pick playing random notes really fast. It has become unfortunately acceptable to shred arbitrarily and pass it off as music by saying “it's tech!”. Thankfully, outside of this cesspool we have the bands who actually construct their songs and produce some really interesting and original material. Dr. Slaggleberry sit on the latter side, although only by a hair.

The music contained on this CD sits somewhere between The Dillinger Escape Plan and Meshuggah in overall sound. Complex, polyrhythmic drums with a mixture of downtuned chuggah-chuggah riffs and technical guitar leads slapped on top. Every now and again a clean passage is sellotaped in improvidently for some variety, but these moments seem more of an afterthought than anything else.

Showmanship is inarguably the focus of this release. Some bands can keep up a high technical standard whilst still demonstrating sublime songwriting skills, but Dr. Slaggleberry either don't have the patience, will or skill to join in this particular party. As a result, the moments of chaotic brilliance are unfortunately sandwiched between aimlessly meandering instrumental acrobatics and bridging sections which just don't seem to work.

The Slagg Factory is a third release which walks like a fifth in terms of technical ability and a debut in terms of writing. With a more mature outlook on their material, the band could produce some excellent music, however this EP stands as just an above average, but greatly flawed work. Perhaps their upcoming full-length will demonstrate a new attitude, but then again, perhaps not.

Official Dr. Slaggleberry Myspace
Official Crash Records Website