dragon needed

DragonLady1 said:
nah, I have a special idea of how it should look and I couldnt find any image of that so I need someone who can draw ;)
posh get

my bro is pretty good but he'll want paying for drawing no doubt :tickled:
whaddya want done?? :bah:

*setbusiness mode=1

This is Süsü a sárkány, every Hungarian kid's favourite dragon, a social institution, so to say, mind you sárkány is a very archaic and pretentious, or pretentiously archaic Hungarian word to express the concept of dragon, it's just a pity we don't have a more modern word for that. :Smug:

I'm preparing a student for the spoken part of the language exam and we listen to Dragonheart each time. She's a 40+ year old solicitor but she said it's her favourite :D
no they seriously denied that.
anyways, there werent as many references in that as there was in the magic roundabout, a hyperactive cow that went around sniffing sugar :)
i eventually got sick of the magicroundabout after 6 hours of it repeating one morning on cartoon network. nobody would change the channel :)