DRAGONFORCE added to Ozzfest


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Just curious what you guys all think about this.
It's great exposure, though I do not feel the standard Ozzfest crowd (who prefers metalcore) would appreciate their sound.

Also, they are on the main stage early, which means they will be playing to an empty venue (As most people will still be milling around the 2nd stage).
Dragonforce have shot up in popularity recently and i'm sure they'll do fine at the festival. Its a crap festival, but fair play to them. I'm sure they'll gain even more fans for playing it.
Bout time they got a decent band on there. Shame I'll be missing them at Download this year...barring saturday main stage, the rest of the fest is crap!
I'm all for DF getting exposure, it's really great to see how well they've been doing recently, I just have no respect left for the Ozzfest after last year with Maiden!
SiliconMessiah said:
That's just lovely isn't it! I guess i can understand cos Ozzfest may be a bigger festival, or at least more well known... But it's not really a good enough reason to pull out from a festival i don't think.

Yeah it is. Fair enough, its not very nice or professional, but it makes sence to play at a bigger event like Ozzfest over smaller festivals.