DRAGONFORCE in Chicago -- anyone have an extra ticket???


Sep 20, 2004
St. Paul, Minnesota
Hey gang...

Supposedly I was supposed to be on DF's agency's guest list for this show but I still can't reach anybody at the Metro after nearly two weeks of phone calls.

I had decided to break down and buy a ticket and ... they are sold out!

Does anyone have an extra ticket? Am more than willing to pay all TicketBastard charges and what-not.

Please email me at SwordLord2003@aol.com as well as reply here.

I can not believe that DF sold out.
They are smart and are not charging a lot for shows.
Unfortunately, I will not be making it to the show.
Since Roadrunner is releasing their new one domestically later this summer, I am sure they will be back. (Hopefully touring with a better lineup!)
Dont worry lord of all swords, I dont have a ticket and im still going. they will be avalible on the streets or they will release more just before the the doors open. thats how chitown works. We should meet b4 the show. better yet you should just drive to our house in Dekalb and we can drive you there! That will cut an hr. off your drive and you can roll with us! sound good?
I dont get why this band is getting popular, the vocals are so bad and amatuer sounding. I see the novelty of a band jumping around and playing fast but how far will this get a band? When I look at young bands I think of Twilightning and Epica. The reason they are selling out shows is because their ticket prices are half of the other bands.

Of course Dragonforce are novelty. I have never heard anyone say otherwise. It is fast, happy, and fun music. Would Roadrunner have any interest in this band if they weren't novelty? Let's be realistic here.

Dragonforce have received attention outside the metal community. A lot of the trendy commercial punk rock and emo kids dig them because of their "Maiden-like" riffage.

Ozzfest 2007 candidate without a doubt.

Don't piss on me for these statements. I don't think I am off base at all. I like this band and all, but they are indeed novelty.
Yippee38 said:
That doesn't surprise me about Metro. I am not a big fan of that venue. They do have good shows there though.

Good luck on acquiring a ticket.
I used to love the Metro, but nothing beats the House of Blues in Chicago.

Yeah, I saw tickets as high as $80.

As I said, Roadrunner is releasing their album later in the summer.
They will be back.
Jasonic said:
Of course Dragonforce are novelty. I have never heard anyone say otherwise. It is fast, happy, and fun music. Would Roadrunner have any interest in this band if they weren't novelty? Let's be realistic here.

Dragonforce have received attention outside the metal community. A lot of the trendy commercial punk rock and emo kids dig them because of their "Maiden-like" riffage.

Ozzfest 2007 candidate without a doubt.

Don't piss on me for these statements. I don't think I am off base at all. I like this band and all, but they are indeed novelty.

I'm not sure what your point is about DragonForce being a "novelty." It's power-speed metal with the emphasis on speed. They are a talented band. The reason I throw the word "power" in there is because of the lyrical content and the general message behind the music.

I could think of a lot of other bands that I would term "novelty," but that's a term that usually falls into a pop music category which metal by any standards and in any continent is not.

Also, even though I do think this band is amazing, I don't think they stand in comparison to Iron Maiden in terms of song-writing or in terms of musical style. Iron Maiden has become a cornerstone of metal music because of the overall package -- song-writing ability, message, musicianship and attitude. DragonForce is still in the fledgling stage and cannot stand comparison to a band that weaved magic on album after album for more than 20 years.

I like DragonForce as well. But let's be honest. Roadrunner would not touch this band if they were not known for their insanely fast riffage. I am speaking purely from the business point of view here. Does Roadrunner sign any band that doesn't have some sort of novelty appeal? I would say not. Gigantour 2 or Ozzfest 2007 without a doubt.
Jasonic said:
I like DragonForce as well. But let's be honest. Roadrunner would not touch this band if they were not known for their insanely fast riffage. I am speaking purely from the business point of view here. Does Roadrunner sign any band that doesn't have some sort of novelty appeal? I would say not.

Hmm, dunno about that.

Roadrunner just signed the Atlanta-based metal band Daath, and I can't think of any novelty appeal with them aside from the fact that their de-facto frontman happens to be the son of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra's music director emeritus. (!)
Pellaz said:
Hmm, dunno about that.

Roadrunner just signed the Atlanta-based metal band Daath, and I can't think of any novelty appeal with them aside from the fact that their de-facto frontman happens to be the son of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra's music director emeritus. (!)

Well, I am basing my statement on their previous roster signings.
Not sure who their new signings are.
Maybe they are changing their strategy.

But when your roster was Coal Chamber, Slipknot, and Soulfly, you can't tell me that those bands were signed based on musical ability.

Whatever. Doesn't matter. DragonForce are a great band.
I could care less. I am a big fan and have had their album since the initial press on Scarecrow records came out in December.

Being on Roadrunner will give them the financial support they need to do good tours so it is a great move for them.