
Aye im going to the Astoria show. They are amazing live and I can't wait to see how they perform at a nice sized venue like Astoria. Ive seen them four times this year, once at mean fiddler and 3 times at London Barfly. They were great because you can get alot closer to the stage (i got pulled on by ZP :p) and I also got to meet the band before and afterwards (lol- who's that chinese guy with really long hair... wait thats herman! OI, SHRED!). But truly great performances are usually at bigger venues, so I'm expecting good things, especially coz they'll be playing their new stuff (I'm in the road team and got a copy early - its fucking amazing).

See you there if you go.
I'll be at the Astoria gig. I've seen them 3 times this year, they're a good live band.

I'm quite good friends with Dave and I always seem to see Sam at every gig I go to, I think he stalks me.
Dragonforce is suposed to come to argentina (for my luck)...DF is a great band...still after 3 songs i need some chill piano songs....
Tyrant Fest is the day after the DF show in London...fucking awesome, I'm gonna have a killer time :cool:
Nifelheim, Desaster + support :devil: :Shedevil:

Never thought I'd get the chance to see Nifelheim live, so I'm up there...
El Ganame said:
Dragonforce is suposed to come to argentina (for my luck)...DF is a great band...still after 3 songs i need some chill piano songs....

Which three songs?

Oh! You mean the only three songs they've ever written - the fast one, the ballad, and the cover of Three Speckled Frogs.

Edguy supporting indeed. Should be the other way around.
i cant wait 'till my CD comes through the letterbox from my lovely friends at amazon :D


im seeing them in newcastle too, i seriously cant wait *claws at the walls*
I'd go, only to see Edguy though really cos i'm not impressed by DF anymore, didnt like their first album, really liked the second when i got it, and still do i guess, but dont like their new one at all, tis all just the same with stupid guitar sound effects going off all over the place :s

But unfortunatly i can't go see em cos they're not playing anywhere near me :(
Very slight possibility of seeing them in London. Although I would only make the effort because of Edguy...DF is fighting my will to go. Dragonforce should really be the support act.
S'pose I'll drag myself down to the London one if I can be arsed...probably meet up with this fag called Jamie.
I could be on the guestlist...Im COOL...unlike someone..........................mr no bumsam

PQ gig .feat > Me .feat > Up Sam's arse.

'Nuff said.
:lol: best PM band ever? Have you heard any other PM bands? Like PQ for example? :lol:

EDIT: In hindsight maybe that's a bit rude of me as that's your opinion which you're entitled to, but seriously, check out some more bands if you havn't like Edguy, Power Quest (if you havn't already, you should have done if you're on their forum ;) ), Avantasia, Masterplan etc.