dream band line up?????


Sep 23, 2003
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hey if you had to put together a dream band line up who wud it be

ur allowed 2 guitar players
a bassist
a drummer
and one singer

mine would be

bass, jason newstead( ex tallica)
drums, joey (slipknot i know the band suck but hes a gd drummer)
guitars would be zakk wylde,(OZZY bls) and james hetfield(tallica)
vox, phil anselmo(pantera, down)

its just for fun, just intrested what other ppl would put together!!!!! :loco:
ooooh - good topic :D Mine would consist of:

Drums: Lombard (Slayer)
Bass: Entwistle (Who)
Guitars: Kyriacou (Area 54) with Mustaine (Megadeth). I was going to say Slash but I think Lakis style would go better with Mustaine than Slash.
Vocals: ME! So I got to meet all the famous people :D

My band kicks arse!!!
Vocals: Whitfield Crane (Ugly Kid Joe)
Drums: Shannon Larkin (Ugly Kid Joe)
Bass: Klaus Eichstadt (Ugly Kid Joe)
Guitar: Cordell Crockett (Ugly Kid Joe) and Roger Lahr (Ugly Kid Joe)

Some say I got a bad attitude But that don't change the way I feel about Music... :p
Urm, not meaning to copy off Matt Black here, but my Fantasy Band already exists.

Vocals:Maynard James Keenan (Tool)
Drums: Danny Carey (Tool)
Guitars:Adam Jones (Tool)
Bass:Justin Chancellor (Tool)

Basically, they are amazing, and always will be... :)
Oh, ok. Kid Joe are just a band that I happen to really like, and want back.

To choose musicians to create my ideal band would be very tough. I like extreme talent coupled with the right kind of emotion behind the playing. Mike Portnoy, for example, is a drummer that many other drummers look up to - I personally wouldn't choose him for my dream line-up. He fails to achieve the frustration/despair-induced anger in his drum lines that I quite like. Richard Christy (Death) is someone I've been listening to recently, and could just about cut it (if he practised real hard).

Guitarists? Sure, Marty is good - but he can be a little raw at times. Slash is never raw, but sometimes not that good (sorry, but it's true). By raw, I mean emotionless, tinny sounding notes strung together, no matter how the finished sound is produced. Steve Vai is a good example of someone nearly always sounding raw to me (despite his apparent blues influence), and therefore not to my tastes. The Guitarist would have to be someone who could stand the rest of my line-up, AND could beat Vai with a stick AND could play with real character AND could lend aggression and anger to the sound...

Bassists? Well, to be frank, most Rock bassists sound like mere infants next to Jazz session bassists - but I'd not choose one, even for their talent. Perhaps Marc Johnson - he has his own band, which is Rock/Jazz Fusion. Only problem is I've never heard an aggressive sounding note from him.

Singers? Well, I prefer instrumentals. If pushed, I'd say someone as far from LaBrie AND Fred Durst as possible. Mustaine is a good compromise.

So my lineup is:

Drums: Christy (Death) [with practice :p ]
Bass: Johnson (Marc Johnson) [if you made him really angry first]
Vocals: Mustaine (Megadeth) [I suppose he could play 2nd guitar too]
Guitar: God Almighty (The Kingdom of Heaven) [or Buddah at a pinch]

"Slash is never raw, but sometimes not that good (sorry, but it's true). "

Matt your apology is NOT accepted :D This is inappropriate behaviour :p You are the weakest link, good bye... :p

nahhh just kiddin dude :D Nice to see you put a lot of time and effort into it :D I still think MINE is the best band so far though :p
We just ignore ya anyway Tonio :)

Anyway, my line up would be:

Drums - Gene Hoglan (Testament, Dark Angel, Death, Old Man's Child, Almighty Punchdrunk, Strapping Young Lad) brutal double bass action

Bass - Chris Dale (Atom Seed, Sack Trick, Bruce Dickinson) you knowe what Matt said about bassists? Chris is too good to be a rock musician

Guitars (and vox) - Steve Von Till and Scott Kelly (both Neurosis) off kilter, heavy as hell, deceptively intricate

Vocals (and guitar, keys, programming) - Devin Townsend (Strapping Young Lad, DTB, Vai) do you know what this guy can do?
Area 54 would have to be it. or

Guitar - Steve Wray
Guitar - Steve Martin (Because hes such a nice person and i wanted two steve's in the band :) )
Drums - Rob Hillman
Bass - Me :)
Vocals - Chris Neighbour (4WAYKILL)
Drums - Vinnie Paul (Was drummer of Pantera)
Bass - Ryan of Mudvayne
Rhythm Guitar - Dimebag Darrel
Lead Guitar - Zakk Wylde
Vocals - Rob Halford (Judas Priest)
Vox - Robert Plant (SURELY the best rock voice ever)

G1 - Vai

G2 - Jaymz (to bring Mr Vai down a bit)

Bass - Billy Sheehan

Drums - the guy out of Winnebago Deal (only a 2 piece, but who'd have believed it?)

Keys - David Bryan

How come no bugger else has keys? *slinx off*