Dream Theater fans!

Hi guys,

Im one of the 4 people behind this whole effort so, saw that it was being talked about so ill give you a bit of info on its history and progress...

The attempt that was made just under a year ago came very close to being successful, however it wasnt for various reasons. I wasnt a part of that petition but i was in contact with the guys who were.

For almost a year now I have been working for Jordan Rudess and his online team on various things from chatroom running, to street team organisation, competition organising, small graphics for his online diary, all sorts of things. Because I keep in regular contact with him I have talked at length with him about touring here with DT or doing a solo tour. He has always been EXTREMELY keen on touring out here solo or as a duo. Anyway...

A little while ago I was passed on an email from JR's webmaster from a promoter in Sydney who had saw an old news post about the last petition and was interested in what it was all about, and was keen on trying again. So i got in touch with him, and I contacted the 2 guys who did the last petition. Since then, by talking regularly with Jordan and the promoter and working with the 2 guys in Melb. we have decided to aim at a duo Jordan Rudess/John Petrucci tour. Both are keen on the idea...Jordan is super keen on it.

So we did a bunch of research, and now we are at the stage of surveying for things like projected ticket sales per city...things like that. Which is what I want to stress. It is only a SURVEY...its not a petition, we dont need to convince anyone to undertake it...talent is keen, so is a promoter...we just need to find out some info. Although more signatures and info is better, we have to be sure that the info is as accurate as possible. So please be honest with your entries, and only sign it once. Doing otherwise will only make our information inacurate and hinder our chances of making this work.

Please be sure to tell anyone you know who may be interested in it to sign it.

If this tour goes ahead and is successful, it will lay a strong foundation for a whold band Dream Theater tour in the future. Bigger promoters will be able to see that it is a good idea and has been successful to get TWO members out...so getting the whole band will be even better.

Thanks for your interest and support guys, we appreciate it.

I will try to keep you updated on how we progress with it from this point.
