Dream Theater finds new drummer


Wise in the ways of metal
Nov 10, 2002
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I'm surprised that this hasn't been posted yet.
It's Mike Mangini.
Having seen the three episodes of The Spirit Carries on on Youtube, where they chronicle the search for their new drummer, I also agree that this guy was the best choice.
I'm really looking forward to their new stuff with this guy when it comes out.
I have several mixed feelings.

I agree Mike is an excellent drummer but I don't know how he will compose within the band (if any) as Portnoy had a lot to do with composition.
On the other hand the band in general has lost most of the appeal to me since SFAM and I don't know if it is Portnoy's fault or the rest (read LaBrie and Petrucci basically).

I guess I'll have to wait for new studio material (since I don't gonna see the band live the change actually its meaningless to me).
I´m more worried about the composition trend in the band that the skills of the drummer. Both are great drummers, technical and professionally speaking. But is the band ready to lose one of their composers and keep the interest of the fans? To me that's the key of this whole affair.
I am a big fan of Aquilles Priester (former Angra drummer) and was hoping he would get the gig. At least Aquilles was on a small list of drummers who was given an audition though. I am sure Mangini is one hell of a drummer to get the job over Priester, because Aquilles is a monster.
Would love to see DT "degress" back into I&W form. That is one of the top progressive metal..... hell top metal albums period, of all time. Unfortunately, in my ears, they never achieved anything else close to that.

Would love to see DT "degress" back into I&W form.

I guess most fans of the band and progressive metal in general will like them to have stood or return to the sound of that album.

Of course I doubt they can on several levels: Moore isn't there, Portnoy also left, and it seems a band that call themself progressive means to change for reasons unknown to me (look at The Flowers Kings had been done the same for years and works for me).

Let's see what the new will bring.
I am a big fan of Aquilles Priester (former Angra drummer) and was hoping he would get the gig. At least Aquilles was on a small list of drummers who was given an audition though. I am sure Mangini is one hell of a drummer to get the job over Priester, because Aquilles is a monster.

Aquilles is sure a fine drummer in his own right, but he's nowhere near the class of Mangini, Lang, Minnemann or Donati - those are real monster drummers. Frankly, Prester still fails to impress me...

Would love to see DT "degress" back into I&W form. That is one of the top progressive metal..... hell top metal albums period, of all time. Unfortunately, in my ears, they never achieved anything else close to that.

The only moment they got close was Metropolis pt.2 and that was it for me... From there on an occasional okay song and nothing more - a shame for a band that practically brought the genre to the forefront and did some awesome albums.
Aquilles is sure a fine drummer in his own right, but he's nowhere near the class of Mangini, Lang, Minnemann or Donati - those are real monster drummers. Frankly, Prester still fails to impress me...

I am afraid you and I will just have to agree to disagree on this one.

He has stuff that is more "technical" than this, but from a standpoint of technicality, precision, style and personality..... this song has it all.

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I am afraid you and I will just have to agree to disagree on this one.


Wow !! Hate to reply to my own reply, but I didn't watch the video (been quite a while since I have seen it) until I posted it. Not picking on you Sickboy..... I respect your opinion..... as music is nothing more than personal taste and my opinion is no more important/better than anyone else's.
Having said that, Aquiles is a smooth operator in my ears. He can join my band anytime. I don't have a band, but if he is game, I will start one. What a bad-ass drummer !!

I am afraid you and I will just have to agree to disagree on this one.


Since I have nothing better to do I'm siding with Darko on this one :D. I saw Aquiles live with Angra and failed to impress me to the level of playing in (once) such a progressive band like DT.

I agree with Donati specially, but I rather have him on projects like Planet X or Devil's Slingshot than DT.
Thomas Lang is a beast behind the kit. Perhaps his style didn't fit or he didn't gel as well with the guys within the band, but from a technical standpoint he certainly has the chops to fill Portnoy's shoes.

Aquiles is a great drummer too (that video reminds me of Mark Zonder), but I'm not terribly familiar with his work beyond a few songs, whereas I've watched several of Lang's instructional videos (my drummer is a fan of his).

Personally, I think the best thing they did was Awake (I still listen to that albums several times a year, every year). Images was fantastic as well. I've liked 2-3 from each album since, but nothing has really captivated me like those 2 records.
Wow !! Hate to reply to my own reply, but I didn't watch the video (been quite a while since I have seen it) until I posted it. Not picking on you Sickboy..... I respect your opinion..... as music is nothing more than personal taste and my opinion is no more important/better than anyone else's.
Having said that, Aquiles is a smooth operator in my ears. He can join my band anytime. I don't have a band, but if he is game, I will start one. What a bad-ass drummer !!

Maybe I should clarify my "fails to impress me" statement...
Aquiles is really a human drum machine, his every strike is well measured and his time keeping is great. But there are literally tons of such technically precise drummers around, what I miss with him is a little spark of ingenuity of sort... I see him as an typical power metal drummer. I'd more expect Bobby Jarzombek among the "magnificent seven" than Aquiles any time of the day, his chops are really stunning and his style is equally fitting to the pounding Halford and insane Spastic Ink.

Of course it's a matter of a personal taste, just wanted to make sure you didn't think I was dissing Prester just like that. ;)