Dream Theater signs with Roadrunner

lol, as for the posts concerning ToT... ToT is the only dream theater album i can listen to without wanting to kill myself, so i'd say thats a good sign
Am I onlt one who doesnt give a shit about record labels, as long as the band continues to make good records? allthough, DT did stop doing that with octarvium, or what ever the fuck it was
I don't think roadrunner makes a difference anymore...roadrunner got more metal in the past 3 years when most of you "got more metal." quite a dick statement, but it's probably true. ; )
The only 2 songs I really like a lot off of Octavarium is the title track and Panic Attack. The others are ok but no where as good as anything off of ToT or 6DoIT. Though I would have to say my favorite album is probably Awake or Scenes. Most of their cds do have memorable parts though imo.
Some bloke at work just lent me a dream theater album - six degrees of inner turbulence...i have never heard them before.

lots of wankery by each musician, I can appreciate the technicality of what they are doing but the songs themselves are not anything special as far as I can tell.

I think the singer at times very weak.

Reminds me of Queensryche and some of the riffing reminds me of recent (heavy) porcupine tree at times.

pretty much "meh"
SFAM is my favourite, though I enjoy all of their albums, except most of FII and Octavarium... I've got a good feeling about the new album, can't wait for it to be released...

I got a demo of Systematic Chaos. I haven't gotten a chance to listen to the whole thing yet, but from what I've heard so far, it seems decent at least. First off, it's all instrumental (I believe...if not, then the majority of it is), so you get to hear a lot of Petrucci's work (which I think everyone will agree is the best thing about DT), and you don't have to listen to LaBrie's whiny singing. Its style kind of resembles ToT or SDoIT, IMO, but again, I have 6 tracks and I've only really listened to two of them, and bits of the others.
...and this opinion is based on...?

I've heard some of it on youtube and such, sounds killer.