Dream Theater Tribute Video from Auckland Fans up on Youtube!

aditya dutta

New Metal Member
Dec 8, 2009
Hey Everyone
We made a video for DT and we actually got the chance to show it to them at the Auckland M&G!

It took me ages to upload it on youtube, well its not exactly on youtube because WMG is a bunch of assholes.
But i have put up a 20sec still in youtube that gives you the link to this video which is on dailymotion.

I did this because i want your feedback and comments on youtube rather than dailymotion.

Here is the youtube link

I hope you guys enjoy it! And dont forget to rate it haha.

DT for life!
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That video is absolutely nuts.

At first I though, wtf is wrong with you but I applaud your obsession.

haha thanks dude!

i figured that many nevermore fans would also be into DT, since i am a DT fan who loves nevermore.
i was expecting much more hate on this thread, video was actually pretty funny, you Kiwi's and your crazyness.

haha ! man i sensed trolling on this thread!
as long as you like guitars and music you should enjoy the video.
doesnt matter if you like DT or not
Aditya Dutta is your actual name?

So which one is you?


My money is on (going from the left) the 3rd one.