Dream Theater's "A Dramatic Turn Of Events"... Opinions?


New Metal Member
Sep 4, 2009
I just picked it up. Still listening to it, not finished yet. I've got some... mixed ideas about it. What does everyone else think about it?
I haven't listened to it yet, but I hope it's not like their last album.
lol Dream Theater. The only way I'd even give it a chance, would be if it wasn't like ANY of their previous albums.
This is the best Dream Theater album since Scenes From a Memory. Almost all the fans seem to like "Breaking All Illusions", which is no wonder because it's one of their best songs ever.
What's up with the album cover and title? Are they trying to be all hipster artsy now or what?

Dot. Last one was ridiculous enough with all the random objects, but a fucking tight rope in the sky? They need a new album artist.

I agree. Train of Thought kicks major amounts of ass. Another underrated album they did is Falling Into Infinity.

I've always hoped they'd make something reminiscent of Lines in the Sand.
Man, I don't know... Maybe they should have taken a break like Portnoy wanted. The album sounds too... forced? I think they are done, sadly. I also don't think it has anything to do with Portnoy leaving/Mangini showing up. They have exhausted their creativity it feels like. Oh, and JP needs to stop producing their shit...
I've only listened 1 track, On The Back of the angels.... Nice song...
Their atual albuns, c'mon, I'm a big fan of DT, but, Black Clouds & Silver Linings SUCKS. I do love 2 tracks of that album, but, the other ones... u,u
The only thing BC&SL had was A Nightmare To Remember, and not even the entire song at that. The way Portnoy ended the AA Suite on that album sucked huge dick, they all just recycled riffs from the previous parts, hardly anything new. I don't know what's happened. I personally love Systematic Chaos, then when BC&SL came out, it was the biggest let down. The new one is a step up from it (partially because Portnoy's ego isn't there to drag them down) but.... It's lost that awesomeness. Idk. Maybe I need to give it a few more spins before I damn the album permanently...