DREAMLAND - Exit 49 (New song, new myspace) Killer Power Metal!


Jul 18, 2002
I am pleased to introduce the brand new Dreamland myspace page (designed by me) that includes the new song Exit 49 off the album of the same name. Rick Altzi makes a special guest vocal appearance (Thunderstone, Frequency, Atvance)

IMO this will be one of the top Power Metal albums of the year!

Look for a CD showcase on my radio show very soon!



This band kicks ass, especially the singer! Great melodic metal! Good work on the site John! :-)
This is power metal?

No its Bluegrass. :rolleyes:

Dreamland is very much a Power Metal band. Perhaps this song leans on the "melodic metal" side but as a catalog they are definately a power metal band. Was Edguy not power metal because they had songs like Mandrake?

Anyways this song kicks ass, and so does the album.
I asked because it doesn't resemble any kind of power metal I'm used to or have heard before. If people considered this power metal I'd have to expand my definition.
Is this one a step up from the two previous? Because those were just okay for me. But they did sound like they had potential.

Well I am a big fan of the first 2 albums.

That said I do believe this is their strongest and most versatile disc to date. Production is huge as always.

Closer to release date I will have my review posted online.
Is this one a step up from the two previous? Because those were just okay for me. But they did sound like they had potential.

Yeah, this is where I'm coming from. I'm still considering selling my copy of "Eye For an Eye". I'll reserve judgment until I hear this new one, but if it's more of the same I'll probably pass.
Oh, and Rick Altzi is fucking everywhere these days. In my opinion he's not actually all that great of a singer. He comes off to me like someone who has great intentions but a mediocre voice and just tries too hard to be a better singer than he is. His voice has the "fake" quality to it I don't care for much.
I have to agree with John, based on what I have heard this cd will be a monster release! Production is HUGE and the songs are strong..once again amazing vocals!
Oh, and Rick Altzi is fucking everywhere these days. In my opinion he's not actually all that great of a singer. He comes off to me like someone who has great intentions but a mediocre voice and just tries too hard to be a better singer than he is. His voice has the "fake" quality to it I don't care for much.

Yeah James LaBrie is much better. :lol::lol:
It's really amazing! It's one thing to have a friendly debate. This post was simply saying the new DREAMLAND is on the way (being informative) and the post goes into a pissing match and lost it's way, LOL. I don't mean to "throw a punch" by any means BUT....come on now! If you are not a fan of the band DON'T contribute! DREAMLAND did nothing to have their new plug shit on!
It's really amazing! It's one thing to have a friendly debate. This post was simply saying the new DREAMLAND is on the way (being informative) and the post goes into a pissing match and lost it's way, LOL. I don't mean to "throw a punch" by any means BUT....come on now! If you are not a fan of the band DON'T contribute! DREAMLAND did nothing to have their new plug shit on!

Totally agree... If you can't say anything good, don't say anything at all.
It's a good thing that I haven't said anything. You know how I love to break balls (right John?). I did listen to a few tunes and they sounded pretty good. I'll have to give them another ear over the weekend. And Jeff....I kinda like Rick's voice :)
Oh, and Rick Altzi is fucking everywhere these days. In my opinion he's not actually all that great of a singer.

I don't think Altzi's bad or fake, he's just okay.

But when you're going to brag about a guest singer, it should be Jorn Lande or DC Cooper or something. I'm not getting having Rick Altzi be everywhere.

What's funny is that this band has also had Joacim Cans guest, another merely decent singer. Dreamland's singer, IMO, is better than both Cans and Altzi.