Dredg - The Pariah, The Parrot, The Delusion


Space Duckin'
Apr 14, 2009
I want a different perspective on this album (the band, too) so I have decided to ask you guys. I know I don't post much and I'll probably disappear again for another four billion years until scientists prove my existence. Anyway, here:



Also, inb4 gtfo, faggot, shitty band is shitty, or any other form of trolling.

For real, let's discuss. I'm a fanboy and seeing them on Saturday.
I hope your car crashes and you suffer pain unimaginable prior to arriving at the show. Unless you ride a bus. Then I hope the bus crashes. You may be walking, so... if thats the case, I hope a bus crashes into you while you're happily walking down the street on your way to the show. Riding in a subway train? Yeah... hope it crashes. On your bike? Hope you steer into a giant hole.

I hope your car crashes and you suffer pain unimaginable prior to arriving at the show. Unless you ride a bus. Then I hope the bus crashes. You may be walking, so... if thats the case, I hope a bus crashes into you while you're happily walking down the street on your way to the show. Riding in a subway train? Yeah... hope it crashes. On your bike? Hope you steer into a giant hole.


Well, you know.. at least you're honest.
I think it's fucking solid. It's a little poppier than I would have guessed, but I think it rocks nonetheless.

I'm extremely excited to see where this album takes them.

I can't wait until I can grab this one on vinyl.
Boring, eh? I find it fulfilling. It's very good, in my opinion. I like the poppy feel it has. I can't wait to see Dredg and Judgment Day play Long Days and Vague Clues live. Should be awesome. Lyrically it's as good as ever.

I'll agree with one thing, though: El Cielo cannot be touched.

My favorite songs on this record are Information, Cartoon Show Room, Long Days and Vague Clues, and Ireland.
I would like to like this band, I guess. But I can't stand the singers whining... which is strange because I love a band like LOA.