
Sep 2, 2006
As stated in our program policies, AdSense publishers are not permitted to
place Google ads on pages with adult or mature content. In addition to
photos and videos which contain nudity or sexual activities, below are
some other examples of unacceptable content:

* Lewd or provocative images
* Crude or indecent language, including adult stories
* Sexual tips or advice
* Sexual fetish sites (e.g. foot fetish content)
* Adult toys or products

That means no talking about shitting on dwarves either you daft bas.

Google can go fuck themselves. The cunting hypocrites. They share links to all sorts of illicit content from their search engine. This gives me carte blanche to call them all wankers. fuckity fuck fuck fuck. Shit stains on a teddy bear. Children weeping. Uncles with mischief and molestation in their eyes. Death cunny hole jew-camp bastardhammer. Flaps of juice, fuckhole fuckhole buttsecks.
I don't blame google tbh, they sell an advertising service, there's pressure from the majority of their (non-midgetporn) clients to not advertise on websites that contain content that could appear detrimental to the image of the company involved. Yes, google could filter the advertising so all of the companies who mind wouldn't get advertised here, but this would drastically reduce the worth of a site like this as an advertising post and lead to far less funding to keep the site running.

I dislike it, but I think it's just a consequence of the system we live and work in.

Freedom is an illusion in our societies, what you can and cant say and where you can and cant say it is simply ruled by money and a few select individuals who have lots of it!