Driving at 140 mph


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2002
I was drving my dads 99 Corvette this past weekend at 140mph listening to the new Sx cd.. let me say King of Terrors sounds so much better at 140 then drving along at good old 65... Cd simply kicks ass!

pointless post but i just wanted to share.
140? You're looking at a hefty fine if you pass the wrong spot my friend!

I know what you mean though. I got a speeding ticket once while listening to "The Eyes of Medusa". I just got into the groove at the beginning and I look in my mirror and there's a freaking cop behind me with his lights on. Man was I pissed. I actually though of using SyX as my excuse to try to talk myself out of it. "I'm sorry officer, but I just got this awesome new CD and I guess I just got too involved in it". But then I though the guy would probably think I was retarded and haul me in for being stupid too! ha ha. I took the ticket and went home.