Driving from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon...and then back again


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
So I need to make a few comp CDs. Me and the Chief, two ol' buddies hitting the road in a convertible Mustang (what a heap of shit). :tickled:

As obvious as it might be to make a "desert stoner doom" CD with Kyuss and all that muff, all I really want to listen to is "Stand up for Exciter!!!!". It's true!!

But really, at some point, when the sun is setting and the mood becomes ambient, I reckon I'll need some desert shit. NAD or anyone else, can you sort a bruddah out?

Goddam, I love Vegas. :cool:
okay fuckers, when is this happening? vegas is a 3 hour drive from me, i just made one about that long this morning for work. grand canyon is a bit longer, last i made that drive i almost went nuts on the way home. :hypno:

U-FUCKING-NIDA for starters.
beaten back to pure
jerry cantrell
biblical proof of ufos

then some mellower shit:
black crowes
brant bjork
frank zappa

that's what i would do for da desert. or rather, what i do for the desert. :dopey:
Can you send those shitz over?

OK listen man, not coming to NY was one thing, but Vegas is like next door to you!!! I'll be there 9/12-9/14. Unfortunately, it's a Mon-Wed, but still, if you can make it, that would rule immensely. Forget coming to Grand Canyon, just hang in Vegas. We'll be at the MGM Grand.
i'm there dude. :rock:

i'll put a bunch of albums on a few mp3 discs tonight and mail them out tomorrow, unless you would prefer them on regular ol' redbook audio in case the 'stang doesn't play mp3s. i'll probably make a mix album too, since i love doing those. :loco:
One Inch Man said:
i'm there dude. :rock:

Are you raising my hopes only to dash them? Again? :loco:

i'll put a bunch of albums on a few mp3 discs tonight and mail them out tomorrow, unless you would prefer them on regular ol' redbook audio in case the 'stang doesn't play mp3s. i'll probably make a mix album too, since i love doing those. :loco:

Just send 'em via Zod Express, that courier service works overtime mofo. :cool: Oh but you're right about the whole MP3 conversion to audio thang, so yeah, snail mail over a comp audio CD and you can have my third born. :loco:

Holy shit, my son started to walk today. Life is quite amazing when you think about it really. I'm almost willing to buy into the whole "intelligent design" theory. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Are you raising my hopes only to dash them? Again? :loco:
if i did it two times in a row, i'd forever be labelled a punk bitch, so no. :tickled:
JayK said:
Just send 'em via Zod Express, that courier service works overtime mofo. :cool:
hahaha you got it. that shit takes forever for me to upload, but it definitely works.
One Inch Man said:
then some mellower shit:
black crowes
brant bjork
frank zappa

LOL at squeezing that last one in there...unless you're being serious, and i think Hot Rats in particular would be agood choice for a mindight desert run...as would Hawkwind, Ozric Tenatcles, Comets On Fire (thanks Doomy) or some of the more ethereal post-rock groups...
Comets On Fire (thanks Doomy)

One of the guys in that band has a side project called Six Organs of Admittance that I really like. Been meaning to check out those guys for a while now.
Demonspell said:
LOL at squeezing that last one in there...unless you're being serious, and i think Hot Rats in particular would be agood choice for a mindight desert run...as would Hawkwind, Ozric Tenatcles, Comets On Fire (thanks Doomy) or some of the more ethereal post-rock groups...
well not so much for being mellow because uhhh, he's not, but since he's from lancaster (desert shitz) i generally think of him when i'm heading toward the hotter areas here.
there is nothing like listening to The Eagles in the desert ... been there done that ... jsut hit play on the Greatest Hits and never come home ... just magical.
man, fuck the eagles! :loco:

okay here's what you're getting:

agents of oblivion - s/t
brant bjork - jalamanta
down - nola
john frusciante - shadows collide with people
kyuss - best of put together by me a few months ago
melvins - stoner witch
queens of the stone age - songs for the deaf
slo burn - amusing the amazing
unida - coping with the urban coyote

and i'll put together a comp within the next few days. :kickass:

Where do you stay when in Vegas? I'm thinking about heading there in October, seeing as how my New Orleans trip has been ruined by that bitch Katrina. Wanted to stay at Treasure Island; nice hotel, inexpensive (relatively speaking), kick ass bar. But they're booked. Any recommendations (I want to stay in the newer part of Vegas?

General Zod said:

Where do you stay when in Vegas? I'm thinking about heading there in October, seeing as how my New Orleans trip has been ruined by that bitch Katrina. Wanted to stay at Treasure Island; nice hotel, inexpensive (relatively speaking), kick ass bar. But they're booked. Any recommendations (I want to stay in the newer part of Vegas?

although not directed at me, i'll step in line and help out anyhow. :loco:

i really really really like the mgm grand for a nice getaway with a female and it's not as ridiculously priced as something like the bellagio or the venetian. been to a few other "nicer" places and thought they were shit, to be quite honest. then of course is the imperial palace, which is shit, but extremely cheap and smack dab in the middle of the strip. i stay there when i go with my idiot friends.

whatever you do, go to the baccaratt bar in the bellagio. they have a menu for their various concoctions, and hire people from around the world (well, the one bartender was from hawai'i :dopey: ) specifically to make custom drinks for that bar. i go there every trip.
@NAD - thanks for the comp.

@ZOD - I've only been a few times. I stayed at the Monte Carlo (which was cool and "elegant", but not much else to it) and then I stayed at the Luxor (which looks fantastic, inside and out with the whole Nile theme :loco: ). This time I'll be at the MGM Grand (my first stay).

If I had the money, I'd stay at the Bellagio, no doubt. Venetian is a bit too "glitzy and golden" for my liking -- it reminds me of a Cheesecake Factory restaurant, heh -- whereas Bellagio is slightly more slick and sophisticated.