Drop G deathcore

Thanks guys! Guitars a quad-tracked. Two 6505+ Red channel with a maximizer (I know haha), Marshall Cab miced with a 57. The other two are 6505+ green channel, mesa cab miced with a AT4040. The 2nd tracks are lower in the mix. All of them went through a 6176.
Dude, I gotta be honest, I can barely even perceive any pitch to the guitars, or even the fact that there are guitars playing at all - it all honestly kinda just sounds like a mass of ridiculous rumbling :/ Vocal production is good, as are the drums, especially the kick (though the snare is a bit too snappy for my tastes), but also, now that I hear the bass, it sounds very low-middy, which probably isn't helping the definition of things...
yeah drums and vocals sound pretty damn good, but other than can't really tell much of what's going on :p
yeah, agreed. drums covering all guitar. can't even tell there's guitar there. get that ish up front in the mix. use lower velocity snare sample on blasts. has the potential to be epic though
Hey guys! Thanks for the feedback. Tried to clean up the guitars and turned them up. Worked with bass as well and got drums out of the way a little. Just sent it to the band, we'll see what they think. Just wanted to say thanks again!