Drover and Broderick quit Megadeth

Yeah, Dave already called me up on if I was interested in joining Megadeth. In his own words "...to save this washed up band with your unholy skills and slap me in the face for not playing our best songs due to my religion of choice. I really need you, Aleksi!!! :(".

In all seriousness, looking forward to what Dave will do this time. :lol: Will he finally disband Megadeth or try to convert Marty and Nick (why does everyone still insist this to happen??) to join, don't know.
This is honestly probably for the best. UA was pretty good and Endgame stands up with their best records but the quality of the last two were on a steep decline.

I caught them live on the Rust in Piece 20th anniversary tour with Slayer and Testament and they were better than when I had seen them with the classic Menza/Friedman lineup. Unfortunately after they finished the RIP set they played nothing off Endgame which was still a new record at that point. Based on that and what I've seen since I would say they seem content being a greatest hits band. They can hire any number of people to go out there and play that tired old stuff and keep making crappy studio albums that they aren't going to play anyways.

Drover was fine but Broderick is stupid good and Im sure both of them can make more interesting stuff than what we are going to get from Megadeth moving forward.
Who the fuck still listens to Megadeth? Honestly I only listened to Endgame because mr. s to the neap did the mix.
The Megadeth gig is one of the most profitable in metal. Why would Loomis not do it? What's he supposed to do? Try to live off of solo album releases that nobody buys? The guy made a reputation for himself as one of the top players. That's his job. And playing with Megadeth is surely a lot more fun than working at McD's.
Megadave surely is a wonderful man to play music with having been through 7 drummers and 6 lead guitar players...
I'm with Sami, why should he decline the offer ? He can at least try it, and if Dave is too much to handle he can quit whenever he feels like. He's living off his own solo career as far as I understand it, so he has nothing to loose at the moment, no band to quit or jobs to resign from. He maybe misses a bit playing in big gigs as well, and it's probably kinda easy to play for him as well, so it's a win/win for him. And yes, I'm sure he would double his monthly income, if not more, by being Megadave guitarist, and I'd rather be Mustaine's guitar muppet than the local retail store's manager's bitch as well.
The Megadeth gig is one of the most profitable in metal. Why would Loomis not do it? What's he supposed to do? Try to live off of solo album releases that nobody buys? The guy made a reputation for himself as one of the top players. That's his job. And playing with Megadeth is surely a lot more fun than working at McD's.

I don't disagree and it was clearly the best move he could have made, I just find myself frustrated at the fact that it was the best move he could have made.
I'm not sure how profitable Loomis' gig with Arch Enemy is but I'd hope the guy wouldn't be desperate enough to join Megadeth under a strict contract considering all the nonsense they've released. There's no way dealing with the controversy and the Dave's personal could be worth signing his soul over for a long period of time.

I mean, the idea of Loomis and Lombardo sweeping in and revitalizing Megadeth sounds nearly as great as it sounds improvable.