Drugs affecting performance

The best cds ever made are by very good musicians under the influence of drugs. Drugs are only good depending on the user. Someone can do drugs and be a complete moron in music and then someone can be a mad scientist and an unstopable creative flowing force.
Raumien said:
Oh come on, a simple search at allmusic.com witht he names he listed could of answered that one.
There was me thinking I was the only one who used that site. Its damn awesome.

And I agree with whats been said by most of you, though I didn't hear about Jared from Hate Eternal, i'll have to look that one up.

And yeah, being a drug-user and musician myself, I can say that alot of the time, drug use has a minimal effect on performance, unless you take it in massive amounts. I've played guitar the best I ever have while hammered out of my face on pills.
I like Eyehategod and Anthrax, and those are the opposite ends of the drugs/NOT drugs spectrum.

Drugs can help bands forget to suck, but ultimately it's a tough road. Black Sabbath only lasted eight short years like that, if you think about it, but they've rarely been surpassed.
dirty_sandwich666 said:
You sure that you weren't tripping? :p drugs DO effect ones judgement lol.
this is somewhat true, though I have been told by other, not-on-drugs people that my playing is somewhat better, if not somewhat tempermental.

Either way, if I ever do join a band, I don't intend to go out onto the stage smashed out of my face on pills :)