drum mix help


New Metal Member
Jun 18, 2011
hey guys im self taught and pretty new to all this but I am trying to get a bit better this is a mix of some drums i recorded in my shed


just wondering how i could improve them they sound a bit eh Reverby =) but not so much when dropped into the mix Im finding the overheads the hardest to mix but they were REALLY bad until today when I felt I hit a milestone and got a much better tone. It still aint great but I hoping some of the more experienced engineers might be able to pick up on something to help me improve the mix.

Any help would be appreciated

just noticed that the symbols are phasing slightly on this with each other. I moved the two wave forms in line with each other and also move the snare based on this and it sounds better ill post a clip up shortly. anyone get a listen yet?
i like it, sounds great for a shed. you might consider letting some more mid/low in from the overheads, but if it doesn't sound right to you when you do that, i wouldn't change anything.
really? fuck thanks guys you made my day =) ill try that with the middle on the overheads.

any other suggestions?