drum room samples


Sep 24, 2009
Would it be retarted to take the programmed drums you have, play them through 2 giant speakers in a big room and place mics around the room to and record the room to get that real sounding "natural drum room sound" to then blend in with the programmed kit to make it more full? i understand there is a difference between naturally having room mics up while recording a real kit and basically "reamping" the kit through big speakers to capture the room sound.

I read somewhere that slate did this for his samples in the past, but do you think an average listener will even be able to tell a difference?

I would be playing these through decent JBL speakers.
metallica used to do that.
ask yourself the following question:
do you have a room that has a certain characteristic that you like?
because overall I doubt that reamping your drums in a room and capturing that sound will sound better than the room samples that come with today's sample libraries.
take superior drummers avatar room sound, it's still great. if you only have dry samples just trigger superior or slate rooms with them.
I think this will yield better results than what you're pondering about.
Not a retarded idea at all, plenty of the bigger studios do it. Blackbird studios have a tall echo room set up permanently with a speaker and mic for exactly this purpose, well worth it if you've got a nice room as you can send your mixed drums (or maybe just snare and toms) out to the room and get a nice drum sound without all the cymbal wash.
As an alternative, and something I do frequently (I'm sure I have read others do this as well), is to just bus your shells to a reverb set to a room sound, or a room impulse.
I've done it as well. As long as your room sounds nice, go for it! But if you have a shitty room, there's plenty of room samples and/or impulse responses...
Alright thanks guys! I do bus the kit over now to room impulses, but i want to try the room idea, my room definitely isn't the greatest by far, so if it turns out like crapola i won't use the re-recorded sounds.