Drum sampler - any alternatives to Battery/Battery 2?


New Metal Member
May 13, 2005
Hey everybody. I need a drum sampler and Battery 2 isn't quite doing what I need it to do, so are there any alternatives I could check out?
I need a way to trigger a single cell with more than one key, but not using the key range feature. Here's an example of what I'm talking about: Let's say I need a single cell to be triggered by keys C2 and C3, but NOT by any of the 11 keys in between (because they might trigger other cells).

I'm aware that I can just copy the contents of one cell to another, but that's not the answer either because just about every possible cell available in Battery 2 will be in use.
Cool, can you tell me how to do this with Battery 2 (kt2) files? Battery 1 used xml-files that could be tweaked with WordPad for example, but kt2-files are a mess opened with WP.
No, I mean a drum map from the sequencer... Unless you are using the stand alone version, do you?
I have to go to bed right now. Just tell me if you are using an host sequencer and which one. I'll give you some insight tomorrow...
Oh ok, you meant a midi drum map from the DAW. That's not the answer either, because I need to be able to trigger the cells directly from a keyboard.

Thanks for your help in this but I don't think I can achieve what I want with battery, so if anyone can recommend me other samplers I could try? Are there any? Can NI's Kontakt or other non-drum sampler be used for something like this?
With a drum map in the daw you will be able to play your keyboard and Battery will just assume you are pressing the key that the drum map is routed to.
XtremeParanoia said:
With a drum map in the daw you will be able to play your keyboard and Battery will just assume you are pressing the key that the drum map is routed to.
Hey that sounds just what I need! I will look into it. Thanks a lot, and to Burny too. :)

@fabz: Thanks for the suggestion.