Drum samples?


Oct 8, 2009
Ill soon be making my own drums samples, to hopefully sell, with a sneap forum discount of course.

Simply thinking of the whole kit, all the cymbals and shells, some nice room mics and overheads. 15 samples of each hit, hard, medium and soft of the shells, again 15 of each hit for cymbals, but the question is what hits would you guys want, recommend for the cymbals?

Any help, questions welcome.
Ill soon be making my own drums samples, to hopefully sell, with a sneap forum discount of course.

Simply thinking of the whole kit, all the cymbals and shells, some nice room mics and overheads. 15 samples of each hit, hard, medium and soft of the shells, again 15 of each hit for cymbals, but the question is what hits would you guys want, recommend for the cymbals?

Any help, questions welcome.

Ill soon be making my own drums samples, to hopefully sell, with a sneap forum discount of course.

Simply thinking of the whole kit, all the cymbals and shells, some nice room mics and overheads. 15 samples of each hit, hard, medium and soft of the shells, again 15 of each hit for cymbals, but the question is what hits would you guys want, recommend for the cymbals?

Any help, questions welcome.

If you would have a lot of time I'd suggest soft - medium - hard cymbal hits and chokes. Might be a shitload of work but getting them as realistic as possible really pays off.
1. record more than 3 hard hits!
2. record hits between soft, mid and hard hits!
3. record at least 4 versions of each hit, like 4 times soft sanre, 4 times mid snare, 4 times hard snare and between.
4. make TCI's out of ut and use the automatic spread function, so soft hits won't start at a velocity level of 60+

oh, and i'm not sure if the slate ex sets have this, but i haven't found it -- close and open the hi-hat quickly, the same way orchestral crash cymbals are played, only with your foot. it's a pretty common technique but i've never found samples for it.