Drum set issues...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Okay, I go downstairs and see my mother with this incredibly pissed off look on her face. I follow her down to my room because she has to ask me a few questions...
My little brother, the ADHD asshole skater punk kid from Hell, has one of his gay skate cult friends over and he tends to be even more destructve than normal when he has friends over. As his story goes, he took his friend Doug down to my room to see my new drum set. My father said that he asked Ethan if he got my permission to be there and Ethan said that I told him it was alright(he didn't even ask me if he could go into my room, thereby he lied to the Canadian). And there was some damage done to my new drum set.
Soem parts of the hi-hat came upscrewed and there were some deep dents in the head of one of the toms, plus scuffs on the heads of the other one and the floor tom, done by yours truly after some intense drumming earlier today. I got semi-bitched out for that, which was kind of weird... being in trouble for my own intensive drumming. But go figure. I guess all they care about is the "damage" done to the thing that they spent $400-some on. But drum sets are supposed to get beat up, right. The entire purpose of these things are to make music my hitting them intensly and repeatedly with sticks.

But there was also a small hole in the head of the bass drum. Now, according to my brother, he found the head of the bass pedal lying a near my drum set, and the hole there already. Which would mean that, in my drumming, I'd have had to have pounded the bass drum so hard and fast that the nut of the bass pedal came unscrewed, the little washer-like thing flew off and the head itself also flew off, and I continued to hit the bass drum unaware of the fact that it was just the bare "screw" of the pedal hitting into the bass. And then I would've gotten up and walked away from my drum set unaware of any of this.
My question is... how likely is that to happen?

It doesn't seem to have done any damage to the sound or the condition of my drum set, and, like I said, drum sets are there to get beat up. And, since my brother is the evil destructive little Hellspawn that he is, my parents are more likely to reprimand him for being in my room without my permission, abusing my possessions, being a stupid little asshole that everyone hates, etc.
Okay then.
thats completely unlikely... first off you would notice the mallet of the pedal shifting is the nut came loose each time it the drum, and once the mallet came off, you would instantly notice a change in the force in which you would need to press down on to the pedal let alone the sound it would make... and if that did happen, no one would just be completely unaware and get up and walk away, natural instinct would be to find out what it was... as the story goes, its highly unlikely that you did that your self... i think the Spawn of Satan you have as a brother def. fucked up your set... and altho it is there to get beaten, if he put a hole in any of my skins id beat the shit out of him with the drumsticks, let alone the beating he would receive for being in my room in the first place... :lol:

glad i could help... :lol:
Yeah, that's been suggested to me... many times. One day I think I'll beat the shit out of him in frotn of all of his little butt-buddies, just to show the little fucker that no one messes with Darkspot.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
Yeah, that's been suggested to me... many times. One day I think I'll beat the shit out of him in frotn of all of his little butt-buddies, just to show the little fucker that no one messes with Darkspot.
Want me to get voodoo on his ass? :cool:

That's a typical insult from me, actually... "I'm going to beat you with a stick."
I think a baseball bat would be more durable. After I beat him halfway into unconsciousness the stick might break. I want something that will hold up until he is a bloody pulp.
I say hit him in the head with..........................hmm........................a piece of paper, because if you kick his ass with a piece of paper......then you have something to brag about.
*steals the screwdriver out of the tool-kit he got for X-mas*

Me- Ethan...
*stab stab stab*
Yes, they gave him tools. And a video of kids skating and then destroying their skateboards. And they don't get him Ritalin.
It's as if my parents are inviting our house to get destroyed, it really is...