Drum Sound help

nice song!

It sounds way too compressed to me (it's pumping). Did you put anything on the mastertrack? I really like the guitartone. In some parts guitars are too quiet in the end they're way too loud in my opinion. Kick could be a bit more clicky.
Yeah theres an SSL Compresser on the master track. I mite try knock off some of the Ratio coz i like a little bit of compression. The guitars were Done with a Framus Dragon and a Custom Mesa rectifier Cab w V30's and an Ibanez S series Prestige with SD JB in the Bridge. Also Boosted with a Tube screamer. Single SM57, and double tracked all parts. Some of the Chordy parts were done with a Rode M3 instead.

The Kick sound is sampled from Lamb of Gods Sacrament. (drumagog)

Usually i would spend a little more time in mixing and getting those levels right, it was only a quick 2 hour job, i was mainly trying to test dirrerent room sounds.

Any Drum Tips?
Guitars are awesome :D Really digging those. Would it be too much to ask for impulses?

The drums do sound too compressed and that might be messing with how the EQ is applied. Have you tried compressing different parts of the kit as opposed to the whole thing first? i.e. compress the cymbals apart from the snare/bass?
Haha, impulses? i have herd of them but dont know how they work or how to make them. would love to know, is there a sticky round at all.

No compression on drums at all, Just a master bus compression
use the magic search function at the top of the page bro. stickies, threads, posts, sermons....it's all there.

Hmm. Well I suppose just mess around with the master bus compression and see if that changes things, personally I'd try compressing what needs to be compressed first and then adding anything on the master bus last.