drumagog error message


May 20, 2009

i have an error message sometimes. i made a screenshot of it.
sometimes i get this message, when i try to move or copy regions. it looks like, that it happen only when i have more than one instances of drumagog on some tracks. and if that crap is showing up, it happens on all tracks. but like i said only if i have several drumagog instances in the session. as you can see, there is no text in the error message. just yes and no. and it looks like it doesnt matters if i hit yes or no. the message closes and the region is moving as i want it to move. but its obviously a pain to get that message with every move.
it do not happen always but usualy. anny suggestions?

i am working on PTLe 8 on a PPC G5 with OSX 10.5.8.
i think i dont have those issues in Logic 7, and i think, there werent any problems on my old system with PT7 and Tiger

thanks for any help

